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Brokerage System - Backend API

This backend api is designed for a brokerage firm to manage stock orders and customer finances. The service allows employees to interact with customer orders, including creating, listing, and canceling orders. It also supports deposit and withdrawal operations for customer funds. Additionally, an admin interface is provided to match pending transactions and handle customer assets.

Key Features:

  • Order Management: Create, list and cancel orders for customers.
  • Deposit and Withdrawal: Deposit and withdraw money for TRY assets.
  • Admin Features: Admin users can match pending orders.
  • Authentication: All endpoints are authenticated with basic authentication.
  • Transactional Integrity: Ensures admin transactions are atomic and consistent, especially in asset handling and order matching.

Technologies Used:

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3.3.5
  • H2 Database
  • MapStruct for DTO mapping
  • Lombok for boilerplate code
  • Swagger for API documentation

API Endpoints:

All endpoints are accessible with only the basic authentication (admin user and password)

Order Management

  • POST /api/orders

    • Description: Create a new order for a given customer.
    • Request Body:
        "customerId": "123",
        "assetName": "AAPL",
        "orderSide": "BUY",
        "size": 10,
        "price": 150.50
  • GET /api/orders

    • Description: List orders for a given customer and date range (optional filters).
    • Query Parameters:
      • customerId: (Optional) Filter by customer ID.
      • startDate: (Optional) Filter by start date.
      • endDate: (Optional) Filter by end date.
  • POST /api/orders/{orderId}/cancel

    • Description: Cancel a pending order. Only orders with PENDING status can be canceled.
    • Path Parameter:
      • orderId: The ID of the order to cancel.

Deposit and Withdraw Operations

  • POST /api/assets/deposit

    • Description: Deposit a certain amount of TRY for a given customer.
    • Request Body:
        "customerId": "123",
        "amount": 1000
  • POST /api/assets/withdraw

    • Description: Withdraw a certain amount of TRY for a given customer.
    • Request Body:
        "customerId": "123",
        "amount": 500

Asset Management

  • GET /api/assets
    • Description: List all assets for a given customer, including TRY as an asset.
    • Query Parameters:
      • customerId: (Required) The customer ID.

Admin Operations

  • POST /api/v1/admin/matchOrders
    • Description: Match all pending orders

Monitor and check

HTTP Method URL Description
GET http://localhost:8080/ Root page
GET http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html Swagger UI page
GET http://localhost:8080/actuator Actuator page

H2 Database Console Endpoint

|GET|http://localhost:8080/h2-console| H2 database console page |

Database Schema

Asset Table

Column Type Description
id Long The asset ID.
customerId Long The customer ID.
assetName String The name of the asset (e.g., AAPL, TRY).
size BigDecimal Total amount/quantity of the asset.
usableSize BigDecimal The available amount of the asset for transactions.

Order Table

Column Type Description
id Long The ID of the order.
customerId Long The ID of the customer placing the order.
assetName String The asset being bought or sold.
orderSide Enum The side of the order: BUY or SELL.
size Long The number of units of the asset.
price BigDecimal The price per unit of the asset.
status Enum The status of the order: PENDING, MATCHED, or CANCELED.
createDate Date The date the order was created.

Customer Table

Column Type Description
id Long The customer ID.
name String The customer name.
surname String The customer surname.
email String The customer email

Build and Run application

Dev Environment

mvn clean install -Pdev to build project

mvn spring-boot:run to run the project

Prod Environment

mvn clean install -Pprod to build project

mvn spring-boot:run to run the project

Docker build

docker build -t brokerage-service . to build project

docker run -p 8080:8080 brokerage-service to run the project


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