convert super many media file for me
You need to install Node.js
Usage: path_to_Node.js path_to_yy-many-convert.js {source_folder} {output_folder} {MAX_PROCESS (int)}
Please edit some code.
in line 15:const CONVERT_COMMAND = "ffmpeg";
for your favorite converter like qaac.
-> const CONVERT_COMMAND = "qaac";
below line 16,
const compile_args = (source_file, output_file) => {
return [
edit for your favorite converter arguments like qaac.
const compile_args = (source_file, output_file) => {
return [
source_file is file that you want to convert.
output_file is file that is converted.
source_file and output_file is automatically given.
in line 32:const OUTPUT_EXTENTION = ".avif";
for your favorite extention like m4a.
->const OUTPUT_EXTENTION = ".m4a";
. Please include .