$ git clone https://github.com/yyoshiaki/gene2bed.git
Data files are included.
$ gene2bed.py -h
usage: gene2bed.py [-h] [-m MERGIN] species genelist output
Convert a gene list into a bed file.
positional arguments:
species human or mouse
genelist a gene list file
output output file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MERGIN, --mergin MERGIN mergin length
$ ./gene2bed.py mouse example/genelist.txt example/out.bed
chr1 60887000 60915832 Ctla4 0 +
chr2 11642807 11693193 Il2ra 0 +
chrX 7573644 7595245 Foxp3 0 +
- human : Gencode v30
- mouse : Gencode vM21
Only for the admins.
bash prep_data.sh