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Stashbox v5.10.0

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@z4kn4fein z4kn4fein released this 05 Jun 00:45


  • Each Resolve() method now accepts a ResolutionBehavior flag parameter. It determines which level of the container hierarchy can take part in the service resolution. Possible values:
    • Parent: Indicates that parent containers (including indirect all ancestors) can participate in the resolution request's service selection.
    • Current: Indicates that the current container (which initiated the resolution request) can participate in the service selection.
    • Default: The default behavior, it's used when the parameter is not specified. Its value is Parent | Current, so the parents and the current (which initiated the resolution request) container can participate in the resolution request's service selection.
  • CreateChildContainer() now accepts an attachToParent boolean parameter, which indicates whether the parent container's disposal should also dispose the child. It defaults to true.
  • ITenantDistributor and TenantDistributor types became obsolete. Their functionality is available on IStashboxContainer.
    • ITenantDistributor.ConfigureTenant() -> IStashboxContainer.CreateChildContainer()
    • ITenantDistributor.GetTenant() -> IStashboxContainer.GetChildContainer()
  • Calling Validate() on a container will execute validation on each of its child container if it has any.


  • IEnumerable<T> and ResolveAll() requests were not taking services in parent containers into account. Now, it respects the given ResolutionBehavior and as its default value is Parent | Current, IEnumerable<T> requests will return services from parent containers by default.
  • Decorator selection during a resolution request was not take parent containers into consideration. It now respects the given ResolutionBehavior parameter.