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Stream Deck Traktor Pro

A plugin for using the Elgato Stream Deck with the software Native Instruments Traktor Pro.

This is a work in progress, use at your own risk. The installation instructions are for Mac computers. It may be possible to use the plugin on Windows, but this has not been tested.



Prepare MIDI ports

This plugin uses MIDI to control Traktor Pro. You need to prepare two MIDI ports:

  • One for the Stream Deck to send MIDI commands to Traktor Pro
  • One for Traktor Pro to receive MIDI commands from the Stream Deck

Open up the MIDI Setup app and create two virtual MIDI ports with the IAC driver.

Name them as follows:

  • Traktor to Stream Deck
  • Stream Deck to Traktor

Prepare Traktor Pro

Go to PreferencesController Manager.

Under Device Setup, click Add and select Import from disk.

Select the traktor-pro-controller-settings.tsi file in the root directory of this project.

Configure the In-Port to be the IAC-Driver (Stream Deck to Traktor) port you created in the previous step.

Configure the Out-Port to be the IAC-Driver (Traktor to Stream Deck) port you created in the previous step.

Close the Preferences window.

Install dependencies

On the command line, navigate to the root directory of this project and run:

npm install

Create a symbolic link to the plugin

On the command line, navigate to the root directory of this project and run:

ln -s ./stream-deck-traktor-pro.sdPlugin ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.elgato.StreamDeck/Plugins/

Run the plugin

On the command line, navigate to the root directory of this project and run:

npm run watch

This will start the plugin in watch mode (for development purposes). You should see a message in the terminal window indicating that the plugin is running.

Use the plugin

Open the Elgato Stream Deck application and you should see the plugin Traktor Pro on the menu on the right, at the bottom, below other plugins.

Create a new profile for Traktor Pro.

Drag and drop the actions from the plugin to the profile.

Each action has a version for Deck A and Deck B. More than two decks are not supported currently.

It makes sense to arrange the actions on your Stream Deck so that the left half of the keys are for deck A and the keys on the right half are for deck B.