Releases: zapperment/xtouch-mini-remote
Octo Switch / Nektar Impact
X-Touch Mini in Bome mode now can control another Combionator Rotary (number 13) by pushing one of the 8 encoders. Let's call it Octo Switch.
Also: experimental Codec for Nectar Impact GXP49, install with ./ impact
Bome MIDI Translator Pro setup
- Removed X-Toucher setup
- Added Bome setup (see README)
X-Toucher support
Now includes a special version of the Reason codec that works in tandem with the Zapperment X-Toucher driver, which enhances the X-Touch Mini experience:
- switch between coarse and fine rotary response
- switch buttons in radio button mode (groups of 3)
- save and recall controller setting scenes per each Reason combinator
- volume fader has pick-up functionality
Small install script fix
Install script of v3.0.0 did not work properly in Windows. This was fixed.
Reason 12 / Combinator 2 / Windows install support
- Adjusted the Combinator codec to work with the new Combinator in Reason 12; you can have Combinators with up to 8 rotaries and 16 buttons, which are automatically mapped to your X-Touch Mini
- The old codec for Reason versions up to 11 can still be installed with
./ reason11
- Install script now works with Windows
Mixer, Combinator and Matrix
Code has been cleaned up, documentation updated. Mapping only supports mixer, Combinator and Matrix (for now), but the original codec and mapping by Gulli Johansen, which support more devices, can still be installed, as well.
Original Version
Original version of remote maps and codecs from Gulli Johansen, copied off