I'm Zach Brown, an Electrical Engineering Student at Case Western Reserve University. I was most recently an Electrical Engineering Intern at Formlabs, where I designed electrical systems and wrote embedded software to build amazing 3D printers with amazing people.
Most of my work and experience lies in architecting systems, algorithms design and implementation, and controls. I build anything and everything, from rocket engines to racecars.
The languages I'm most comfortable in are C, C++, Python, and Matlab. I'm also familiar with Java, Kotlin, HDLs like SystemVerilog and VHDL, low level programming in Assembly, and even good ol' Minecraft redstone.
I design a lot of PCBs, but most of them are either done in Altium or proprietary so I can't show them off here. I've done high speed, high voltage, and high density designs as well as "boring" 2-layer boards just to play around with.