A library that helps to implement a complex list with RecyclerView
Step1: Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Step2: Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.zhengcx:InstantRecyclerView:v1.1'
Step3: Just create a adapter which extends SuperAdapter and set up some configuration. Specific can reference demo.
private MainListAdapter createAdapter() {
mMainListAdapter = new MainListAdapter();
.setLoadingMoreView(new DefaultLoadMoreView(rvMain))
.setOnLoadMoreListener(rvMain, false, this);
return mMainListAdapter;
Link: https://juejin.im/post/5abda929f265da23826e155e
Solved a repeated global refresh. 解决重复的全局刷新
Improving the efficiency and performance of adding and deletions header/Footer. 提高增删header/Footer的效率和性能
Make the list of multiple itemType code clear. 使多itemType的列表代码清晰解耦
Solved the problem of overdrawing by state View. 解决状态View导致过度绘制的问题(如loadingView、Loadfailed view、emptyData view)
Provide functions for pullup loading more.(Two different kinds of listeners. 集成提供两种上拉加载更多监听
Solved the problem of repeated binding of item click events. 解决item的点击事件重复绑定的问题