The application of ur robots, robotiq gripper, realsense camera, etc.
To find more infomation (installation, usage), visit wiki
: robot description, moveit config, simulation env setup, etc.ur_robotiq_rs
: ur manipulator with a robotiq gripper and a realsense camera in its end effectordual_ur_robotiq_rs
: dual ur_robotiq_rsvision
: vision tools to detect objects, estimate pose, etc.
use moveit to plan a path to the given pose, grasp the obj.find_hole
use ft sensor.dual_plan
plan and execute dual arms at the same time.
: third-party tools, plugins, etc.
create new task package:
ros2 pkg create ${task_name} --build-type ament_cmake --node-name ${task_name} --dependencies rclcpp moveit_core moveit_ros_planning_interface moveit_common moveit_ros_planning tf2 rclcpp_action rclcpp_components control_msgs ${robot_pkg}