a better html editor for Shelby Arena using GrapesJS at its core
This is currently in heavy development and not quite ready to be used publicly, it should be ready soon!
The modules ive pre coded into this edditor are designed to look good with this Arena Theme, but they will work with any page on arena
- drag n drop the module into WebControls as this is a module for the public site
- drag n drop the GreapesJSPlugins folder into /content/HtmlImages/Public
- add the module in arena
an important thing to point out is that when making the switch from the Advanced HTML module to this is that the "Details" field in the module settings are not compadable and will cause an error. to preserve the existing webpage copy the HTML from within the edditor, replace the module making sure to clear the details field and then adding the HTML back into the webpage via the new edditor
i might make a simple script to do this automatically in the future if the need is great enough but as of right now, its not on the list
This is by far the best web builder ive ever seen because it can work with every CMS system, or even just static webpages. It is at the verry core of this project and with out it, there is absolutly no way this project could have happened