Barcode Bank is a dockerized FastAPI & PostgreSQL REST API that can used to get the disposal information based of the barcode.
Make sure you install Docker on your computer at using Docker's instructions depending on your operating system.
You also need Docker Compose as well. If you use Windows or Mac, it is already included in the install with Docker. Otherwise, you should follow these instructions to install Docker Compose.
Clone this repo to your local machine using git clone
Inside that folder, create an .env
using .env.example
as a template.
Now, you can start your docker containers using the command docker-compose up -d
You should be able to access your API by going to the link determined by their HOST
enviromental variables.
You can stop your docker containers using docker-compose down
Your database tables has not been properly created yet, so we will use Alembic to migrate your database.
You need to access your FastAPI Docker container, so you would need the ID of the process, so run the command
docker ps
You should see an output similar to
6095b199b38f barcode_bank_server "/" 28 minutes ago Up 28 minutes>80/tcp barcode_bank_server_1
b0d71c79c22b postgres:13-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 4 hours ago Up 28 minutes>5432/tcp barcode_bank_db_1
Copy the ID of the container running our server. Based off the example, you can now migrate your database by using the command
docker exec -it 6095b199b38f alembic upgrade head
To make sure the database has been modified correctly, go to the PostgreSQL container. Based off the example, you run the command filling in the spaces with the appropriate enviromental variables
docker exec -it b0d71c79c22b psql -U POSTGRES_USER --db=POSTGRES_DB
Afterwards, if you run
\d barcodes
If you see 3 columns for the barcode table, you successfully migrated your database!
You have successfully set up Barcode Bank!