An easy way to write Linux kernel or QEMU code according to the style guidelines.
The package is available from MELPA, install with the following:
(use-package flycheck-checkpatch
When enabled, flycheck highlights style issues reported by the script.
Here is a configuration example of running checkpatch after rtags:
(use-package flycheck-checkpatch
:after flycheck-rtags
(defun my-flycheck-checkpatch-setup ()
(flycheck-add-next-checker 'rtags 'checkpatch-code))
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook #'my-flycheck-checkpatch-setup))
LSP mode requires more effort to chain the checkers, take a look at this comment. Here is an example:
(use-package flycheck-checkpatch
:after lsp
(lsp-managed-mode . (lambda ()
(when (derived-mode-p 'c-ts-mode)
(setq my/flycheck-local-cache '((lsp . ((next-checkers . (checkpatch-code)))))))))
(defvar-local my/flycheck-local-cache nil)
(defun my/flycheck-checker-get (fn checker property)
(or (alist-get property (alist-get checker my/flycheck-local-cache))
(funcall fn checker property)))
(advice-add 'flycheck-checker-get :around 'my/flycheck-checker-get)