This project detects ArUco Marker via OpenCV, extracts the marker's depth informatioin using Intel Realsense Depth Camera, and inferred the 3d coordinate of the marker.
- Generate ArUco Marker in ./tag/tag_[ArUcoDictName]/
- Tracking the 3D position of the marker
- The class for realsense camera control
- The class for detecting ArUco marker
- The class for inferring the 3D position of the marker
- config.json: configuration file
- Install Intel Realsense SDK 2.0 and its python wrapper (pip install pyrealsense2)
- Python 3.9 (other version should also be acceptable)
- conda install numpy
- conda install matplotlib
- pip install opencv-contrib-python
develpoed in Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2019, tested with Intel RealSense Depth Camera D455. Linux environment should also be usable as long as the sdk is deployed.
You can fiddle with config.json to control the project parameters:
- dict_to_use: The ArUco Dictionary to use. Check ARUCO_DICT in
- id: To specify the id of the marker that you want to generate in
- visualize: visualize the result
- grey_color: the color for masking the RGB image after aligning with the depth image (no need to change)
- ArUco marker generation: set the properties dict_to_use and id in config.json, and run 'python'. The program will generate the marker with corresponding id from the given dictionary, and save it to the tag folder.
- ArUco marker detection: run 'python'. The program will show a window of real-time result. If property visualize is set true in config.json, the program will collect 3d points detected from every 20s, and plot them out. The 3d points is in the camera's coordinate system, where the origin sits in the center of the camera sensor, the x-axis directs to the right, the y-axis directs downward, and z-axis directs forward (see the SDK document for further details). All detected points are saved in trajectory variable of a TrajectoryTracker object. It is a dictionary object of the form like {id1: [(timestamp, x, y, z), ...], id2: ..., ...}