This repository contains lots of test projects that I've created. The name is a relic from its initial creation, when I used it to rewrite the Iterator Helpers proposal. Now it contains everything from stacks to language parsers to the JS standard library implemented solely in the TS type system. Enjoy the 338 files this repository has to offer.
#.ts (parser): A parser for a programming language where every instruction is a single symbol.
2048.ts: A bot for running algorithms on the 2048 board found (I believe) at
README.ts: The README generator for this repo.
abort.ts (promise, rewrite): A rewrite of AbortSignals with Promise-like syntax and then-chaining.
animation.ts: Draws a cool animation with points and lines connecting them.
annotations.ts: Utilities for figuring out the relation between pages annotated in a book when examined a few times and total percentage of pages annotated in that same book.
any.ts: A value that returns itself for any and all operations.
Type: any
await-with-generators.ts (iterator, promise, rewrite): Runs a generator function with async/await semantics in place of fn*/yield keywords.
bf.ts: A brainf**k parser, executor, and macro transformer.
binary.ts (typesystem): A typed container for holding binary data that can be sliced.
blackbaud.tsx: A Blackbaud scraper that gets data in a format kama sona can understand.
bookmark.ts: Generates a bookmark file that can be imported into Chrome.
bookmarklet.ts (bookmarklet): Makes a javascript: bookmarklet with URI safety from a string of JS code.
brainf.ts (parser): A brainf*** implementation and macro expander.
cancel.ts: A signal that can be used to cancel things.
checker.ts (parser, typesystem): A system that parses a TypeScript string literal into an arithmetic expression and evaluates it. Incomplete.
chrome-home.ts (bookmarklet): A JS shortcut that adds proper keyboard shortcuts to StackBlitz and doubles the speed of a video in YouTube when activated.
complex.ts: An arbitrary precision complex number library.
conjuncts3.js: @ts-check
curry.ts (typesystem): A TypeScript type for currying functions.
debug.ts: A Debug<T>
type that outputs a human-readable
version of some TypeScript objects. Notably, it condenses the six-line OkState
and ErrorState
types from parser-X.ts into a single string. It can also reduce
an array into a string, but that's a typical day at this point in the TypeScript
decorators-old.test.ts: A class that unwraps its
value, whether it be a signal or plain value. Used to test decorators
decorators-old.ts: A reactive system that uses decorators instead of plain values.
deferred.test.ts: Tests for deferred.ts.
deferred.ts (promise, rewrite): A library for creating Deferred objects. Compatible with the Promises A+ specification.
dominoes.ts (game): An engine that automatically runs dominoes games.
easy-jsx.tsx: A simple JSX implementation.
emitter-1.ts (events, promise, rewrite): A typed event emitter that uses promises and async iterables instead of callbacks to manage event listeners.
emitter-2.ts: A strongly types event emitter that uses async generators.
enchants.ts: Sourced from
encode-uri.js: Encodes standard input into a javascript: bookmark.
enumerable-weak-set.ts: An enumerable WeakSet created using WeakRefs.
env.d.ts: Declares modules without @types/... declarations.
exittable.ts: Runs function that can be exited from using an early return mechanism powered by exceptions.
explicit-resource-management.ts: An implementation of the ECMAScript Explicit Resource Management proposal.
extension.ts (rewrite): An implementation of the new Facet library for CodeMirror v6.
fraction.ts: Expresses arbitrary precision fractions using bigints.
gamma.ts: Adapted from npm's gamma
to work with
hooks.ts (rewrite): An implementation of React Hooks.
imply.ts: All boolean operations implemented from a single IMPLY gate.
impossible.ts (proxy): Separates call and construct signatures of an object using proxies.
instant-share.ts: A test implementation of the "Share with Students" chrome extension.
inventory.ts: Calculates the inventory sequence as described in
iota.ts: The simplest lambda calculus based language. Too bad the advanced type checking breaks TSC.
iterator.ts (iterator, rewrite): An implementation of the Iterator Helpers proposal.
js-in-ts.ts (typesystem): An attempt to rewrite many of the core JavaScript operations using only the TypeScript typesystem.
jsx.d.ts: JSX types that all JSX libraries in this project use.
lambda-in-js.js (untyped): Lambda calculus functions in JavaScript.
lambda-js.dom-value.test.ts: Places textareas into a browser that allow for writing and running lambda calculus code.
lambda-js.dom.test.ts: Places textareas into a browser that allow for writing and running lambda calculus code. This automatically injects the S, K, and I functions, and compiles to a lambda calculus expression rather than a number, pair, or other representation.
lambda-js.ts (parser): A parser and evaluator for lambda calculus implemented using JavaScript code.
lambda-ts.ts (parser, typesystem): A parser and evaluator for lambda calculus implemented in the TS type system.
lambda.ts (typesystem): A lambda calculus parser that runs at compile time and runtime.
language.ts: A parser for a custom language.
light-the-bulbs.ts: An engine to discover solutions to "Light the Bulbs" on zSnout.
linked-list.ts (immutable): An immutable linked list implementation.
lock-2.ts: A simple lock that only allows one function to acquire it at a time.
lock-with-data.ts: A lock that stores some data. Its data can only be read and written to during an exclusive operation.
lock.ts: A lock that can only be used by one activity at a time.
log-and-bound.ts: Experiments with ECMAScript decorators, as they're finally at stage 3!
log-everything.ts: Creates a Proxy around an object that logs any time an action involving it happens. This can be useful for testing ECMAScript internal methods and other making sure polyfills emulate the exact behavior of their standardized counterparts.
logged.test.ts: A test file for the @logged decorator.
logged.ts: A decorator that logs all kinds of events.
logic.ts (typesystem): Boolean operations implemented in the TS type system from a single NAND gate.
map.ts (rewrite, symbol): A Map implementation that stores its values as symbols.
math.ts (typesystem): Mathematical functions implemented in the TS typesystem.
matrix.ts: A Matrix class that can be added, subtracted, and multiplied.
media.js: Captures clicks on AirPods 3 or AirPods Pro using a video and the mediaSession API.
memo.ts: A decorator that memoizes a function's arguments and return value.
minesweeper.ts: A clone of Google's Minesweeper, with an AI built in.
monad.ts: An exploration into various monads. Unfinished.
nand.ts: All boolean logic gates implemented from a single NAND gate.
nullclass.ts: A class that has no members to get around
the issues with class extends null
in browsers.
numerical-stack.ts: A Stack implementation that only accepts numbers.
old-lang.ts (parser): An attempt to parse a language using the arcsecond library.
old-result.ts: A Result monad.
once.ts: Wraps a function and only allows it to be called once.
option.ts: An Option monad.
private.ts: A class that stores private data.
promises.ts (promise): A promise extension with more methods.
promisify.ts (promise, rewrite): A typed promisify function.
puppeteer.ts: A wrapper for puppeteer.
quaternions.ts: A library for adding, subtracting, and multiplying quaternions.
queue-2.ts: Another async generator that yields queued values.
queue-sync.ts: A queue that holds values until they're ready to be released.
queue.ts: An async generator that yields queued values.
random-item.ts: Picks a random item from an array.
random-path.ts: Makes a random path in 1D, 2D, or 3D.
random-surfer.ts: Randomly surfs web pages to discover the probability of finding certain pages in a network.
result-2.ts: An Option class similar to Rust's Option type.
result.ts: A generic result type that can express a possibly failed result.
sandpiles.ts: A library for adding sand piles as described in a Numberphile video.
sarcastic-text.test.tsx: An HTML page that shows a demo of the sArCaStIcIfY function.
sarcastic-text.ts: Makes text look sArCaStIc.
secrets.ts: Sample code that is a mockup for chapter 1 of Brilliant's cryptocurrency course.
sequent.ts: A parser and evaluator for boolean logic and sequent calculus.
shadow-dom.ts: A library for working with the shadow DOM using decorators.
shuffle.ts: Utility function that shuffles an array.
solid.ts: Another reactive library.
spot-it.ts: Generates Spot It! decks mathematically.
stack.ts: A generic Stack in JavaScript.
string-cooked.ts: A String.cooked function for use until the proposal is implemented.
string.ts (typesystem): String.split and Array.join, but in the TS typesystem.
sudoku.ts: An interactive Sudoku game.
tee-2.ts: Tees an iterable into two iterables while keeping memory costs low. OOP style.
tee.ts: Tees an iterable into two iterables while keeping memory costs low. Functional style.
tetration.ts: Tetration is repeated exponentiation. It is
defined for any base a
and any natural "exponent" n
as the following: a^^0 =
1, a^^n = a^(a^^(n-1)). However, it can be extended to complex exponents using
formulas. One of these such extensions is available on MathOverflow at This file implements the extension proposed
there. I'd provide an accompanying Desmos graph, but Desmos doesn't understand
the-bulba-game.ts: A board generator for a fun game.
tick-oat-two.ts: An AI for the TickoaTTwo game created by Oats Jenkins:
toki-pona-names.ts: Generates random toki pona-style names.
ts-function.ts: Creates functions that can be run either at compile time or run time.
ttt-ai.ts: A class-based TicTacToe implementation.
type-safe.ts: A library of functions that run at compile time and runtime.
typed-timeout.ts (rewrite): A typed setTimeout function and class.
typeof.ts (typesystem): Converts TS types into string representations.
validator-1.ts: A type-first validator with full typing support.
validator-2.ts: An item validator with static typing support.
validator-3.ts: Another validator. This one doesn't really support anything.
weak-valued-map.ts: A weakly valued map that automatically removes entries when they are garbage collected.
webauthn.test.tsx: An HTML page that experiments with the WebAuthn API.
wikipedia.ts: An engine that can look through Wikipedia links.
wordle.ts: Everything is strings of characters to avoid Unicode weirdness.
worker-1.ts: A simple way to run functions off the main thread with one-way or bi-directional communication.
worker-2.ts: A simple interface for working with web workers.
yet-another-js-framework.tsx: Yet another JS framework.
ytm-playlist-urls-only.ts: Prints the URLs to
audio files of a YouTube playlist. To run it, type
zsh node $(esbuild ytm-playlist-urls-only.ts) -- "YOUR_PLAYLIST_URL"
ytm-playlist.ts: Downloads a YouTube playlist as MP3 files.
animator/action.ts: Action
type and helpers such
as all
and sequence
for Animator.
animator/color.ts: Color type and helpers for Animator.
animator/html.ts: A short function that constructs HTML elements for Animator.
animator/node.ts: A renderable Node used in Animator.
animator/preview.ts: A previewer for Animator.
animator/rect.ts: A rectangle renderer for Animator.
animator/scene.ts: View and Scene classes for Animator.
animator/tick.ts: A tick function that resolves after
calling requestAnimationFrame
animator/transition.ts: Basic timing functions and interpolators for Animator.
animator/value.ts: Stores and store getters for Animator.
animator/vector.ts: A Vector type and helpers for it for Animator.
animator/scenes/colors.ts: An Animator scene with colored rectangles.
desmos/expression-parser.ts: Parses simple math expressions.
desmos/playground.tsx: A playground which allows expressions to be typed and converted into Desmos-compatible LaTeX. It automatically detects complex numbers and replaces their operations (*, ^, exp, ln) with c_mult, c_pow, c_exp, and other functions to easily allow the typing of complex expressions in Desmos.
desmos/print-ast.ts: Prints the AST of an expression.
desmos/print-latex.ts: Prints an expression as LaTeX.
desmos/types.ts: Constants defining the reserved names and functions of Desmos.
genesis/core.ts: The core of a fine-grained reactivity library.
genesis/derived.ts: Derived Genesis stores.
genesis/dom.ts: Reactive DOM components.
genesis/for.ts: A Genesis component that renders a list of items.
genesis/index.ts: A next-gen fine-grained reactivity system and component library.
genesis/maybe.ts: A Genesis component to conditionally render an object.
genesis/stores.ts: Genesis stores to track values, objects, and computed properties.
ithkuil-3/tokenize/formative.ts: (H? V)? C V C (VC...) (VH)? V? (H? V)? C V (CV...) CG (VC...) (VH)? V?
ithkuil-4/els.ts: const source = ["2x+1", "x+y", "2y+1", "x-2", "y-6", "9"]
(x): Creates a class object which is missing one of its private fields it's
supposed to have, leading to issues with in instance
javascript-weirdness/private-fields-on-plain-objects.ts: Utilities for creating private fields on plain objects. As is noted in the proposal (tc39/proposal-class-fields), private fields are really syntax sugar for WeakMaps, so this is allowed.
lang/parse-sheet.ts: Parses CSV data from the Lexicon spreadsheet linked below:
motion/action.ts: An action type and helpers for Motion.
motion/animation.ts: Basic animation functions for Motion.
motion/html.ts: A constructor for HTML elements for Motion.
motion/mapped-signal.ts: A mapped signal type for Motion.
motion/node.ts: A drawable node for Motion scenes.
motion/point.ts: A Point type and signal for Motion.
motion/preview.ts: A previewer for Motion scenes.
motion/rect.ts: A rectangle node for Motion.
motion/scene.ts: A scene runner for Motion.
motion/signal.ts: A signal implementation designed specifically for animations.
motion/view.ts: A view manager for Motion.
motion/scenes/rectangles.ts: A Motion scene using rectangles.
nimbus/h.ts: /
observable/index.ts: An implementation of the Observable proposal.
observable/test.ts: Runs es-observable-tests on the Observable implementation.
parsers/parser-1.ts (parser): A general Parser and Result class that can be used to parse languages.
parsers/parser-2.ts (parser): An improved system for parsing text.
parsers/parser-3.test.ts (parser, test): The test script for parser.ts.
parsers/parser-3.ts (parser): Another improved system for parsing text. Slightly based on Arcsecond.
parsers/parser-4.test.ts: Parses expressions using parser-4.ts.
parsers/parser-4.ts (parser): Yet another system for parsing text.
parsers/parser-5.dom.test.ts: Puts textareas into the DOM that can be used to test parser-5.peg.test.ts.
parsers/parser-5.jest.test.ts: Tests for parser-5.
parsers/parser-5.peg.test.ts: Parsers PEG-style grammars into a parser-5 style grammar.
parsers/parser-5.perchance.test.ts (parser, rewrite): A replica of perchance's parser and runner. May have a different feature set.
parsers/parser-5.ts (parser): A fifth system for parsing text.
parsers/parser-6.arithmetic.test.ts: Parser arithmetic using parser-6.ts.
parsers/parser-6.ts: A text parser based on results and coroutines.
parsers/parser-7.ts (typesystem): An (extremely)
type safe system for parsing text. Works with --noEmit
parsers/parser-7.types.ts: Extra types for parser-7.
regex/index-precise.ts: @ts-nocheck
scheduler/time.ts: A Time
class that stores hours
and minutes. Can be used to create random times, convert a time to a date, or
create a range of random times.
signal/decorators.ts: Decorators that make working with signals in classes easy.
signal/index.ts: Another implementation of signals.
signal/impls/01-svelte-stores.ts (rewrite): An implementation of Svelte stores.
signal/impls/02-solid-stores.ts (rewrite): An implementation of SolidJS's signals, effects, and memos.
signal/impls/03-tiny-store.ts: A simple signal, effect, memo, and computed library based on SolidJS.
signal/impls/04-stores.ts: An implementation
and comparison of stores from multiple frameworks, each with: derived
, which
creates a store whose value is computed based on other stores; effect
, which
runs an effect when the values of one or more stores change; get
, which
retrieves the value of a store; readable
, which creates a store that is
read-only; untrack
, which performs a side effect on multiple stores without
subscribing to them; and writable
, which creates a store that is readable and
signal/impls/05-signal.ts: A signal
implementation featuring effects, signals, memos, caching, untrack
, batch
and unsubscribing.
signal/impls/06-signal-decorators.ts: A set of decorators that make working with signals, memos, and effects easier.
signal/impls/07-reactive-js.ts: A library with reactive primitives
signal/impls/08-minimal.ts: A minimal implementation of signals that assumes effects will never throw.
signal/impls/09-with-roots.ts: A signal implementation that allows for cleanup functions.