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This Ansible role provisions a Plone server with options to control client count and memory profile. It uses either a built-in buildout.cfg or one picked up via git.

This role takes care of:

  • Installing the required OS (development-) packages;
  • Creating users and groups for running buildout and daemons;
  • Downloading a buildout-cache tarball and checking out your buildout if needed;
  • Building the ZEO cluster;
  • Optional: setting up supervisor for process management and autostart;
  • Optional: installing cron-jobs for packing the database and backup.

If you'd like to use this role as part of a full-stack configuration kit, see the Plone Ansible Playbook.


Since this role creates and uses users and groups, it must be run as part of a playbook that sets sudo to "yes".

Currently only working with Debian/Ubuntu environments. Please put in a pull request if you can help get it going in an RPM environment.

If you need to log in

You should not need to. But if you do, you should know:

  1. The Plone zeoserver and zeoclient processes should be run under the plone_daemon login; they will normally be controlled via supervisor;

  2. Run buildout as plone_buildout.

Role Variables


plone_target_path: /opt/plone

Sets the Plone installation directory.

Defaults to /usr/local/plone-{{ plone_major_version }}


plone_var_path: /var/plone_var

Sets the Plone installation directory.

Defaults to /var/local/plone-{{ plone_major_version }}


buildout_git_version: master

buildout_git_repo defaults to none (uses built-in buildout).

buildout_git_version is the tag or branch. Defaults to master.

If you use your own buildout from a repository, you still need to specify your client count so that the playbook can 1) set up the supervisor specifications to start/stop and monitor clients, and 2) set up the load balancer.

Client part names must follow the pattern client# where # is a number (1,2,3 ...). Client ports must be numbered sequentially beginning with 8081 or the value you set for plone_client_base_port. The zeoserver part must be named zeoserver and be at 8100 or the value you set for plone_zeo_port.

If you use your own buildout, all Plone settings except plone_client_count, plone_client_base_port, and plone_client_max_memory are ignored.


plone_version: 4.3


plone_version: 4.3.3

Which Plone version do you wish to install? This defaults to the current stable version at the time you copy or clone the playbook.


plone_initial_password: alnv%r(ybs83nt

Initial password of the Zope admin user. The initial password is used when the database is first created. Don't forget to change it.

Defaults to "" -- which will cause the role to halt.


plone_client_count: 5

How many ZEO clients do you want to run?

Defaults to 2

The provided buildout always creates an extra client client_reserve that is not hooked into supervisor or the load balancer. Use it for debugging, run scripts and quick testing.


plone_zodb_cache_size: 30000

How many objects do you wish to keep in the ZODB cache.

Defaults to 30000

The default configuration is very conservative to allow Plone to run in a minimal memory server. You will want to increase this is you have more than minimal memory.


plone_zserver_threads: 2

How many threads should run per server?

Defaults to 1


plone_client_max_memory: 800MB

A size (suffix-multiplied using “KB”, “MB” or “GB”) that should be considered “too much”. If any Zope/Plone process exceeds this maximum, it will be restarted. Set to 0 for no memory monitoring.

Defaults to 0 (turned off)

This setting is used in configuration of the memmon monitor in supervisor: superlance plugin.


    - Products.PloneFormGen
    - collective.cover
    - webcourtier.dropdownmenus

List additional Python packages (beyond Plone and the Python Imaging Library) that you want available in the Python package environment.

The default list is empty.

Plone hotfixes are typically added as additional eggs.


plone_sources =
  -  "my.package = svn update=true"
  -  "some.other.package = git git://"

Source specifications, a list of strings in mr.developer format. If you specify plone_sources, the mr.developer extension will be used with auto-checkout set to "*".


    - jarn.jsi18n:default

List additional Plone profiles which should be activated in the new Plone site. These are only activated if the plone_create_site variable is set.


    - plone.reload

List additional ZCML slugs that may be required by older packages that don't implement auto-discovery. The default list is empty. This is rarely needed.


  - "Products.PloneFormGen = 1.7.16"
  - "Products.PythonField = 1.1.3"
  - "Products.TALESField = 1.1.3"

The version pins you specify here will be added to the [versions] section of your buildout. The default list is empty.


plone_zeo_port: 6100

The port number for the Zope database server. Defaults to 8100.


plone_client_base_port: 6080

The port number for your first Zope client. Subsequent client ports will be added in increments of 1. Defaults to 8081.


    - "TZ US/Eastern"
    - "zope_i18n_allowed_languages en"

A list of environment variables you wish to set for running Plone instances.

Defaults to:

- "PYTHON_EGG_CACHE ${buildout:directory}/var/.python-eggs"


plone_client_extras: |
    z2-log-level = error

Extra text to add to all the client buildout parts.


plone_client1_extras: |
    webdav-address = 9080
    ftp-address = 8021

Extra text to add to only the first client buildout part.


plone_autorun_buildout: (yes|no)

Do you wish to automatically run buildout if any of the Plone settings change? Defaults to yes.



The URL of a buildout egg cache. Defaults to the one for the current stable version of Plone.


plone_buildout_cache_file: /home/steve/buildout-cache.tar.bz2

The full local (host) filepath of a buildout egg cache. Defaults to none. Should not be used at the same time as plone_buildout_cache_url.

Cron jobs


  minute: 30
  hour: 1
  weekday: 7

When do you wish to run the ZEO pack operation? Specify minute, hour and weekday specifications for a valid cron time. See CRONTAB(5). Defaults to 1:30 Sunday morning. Set to no to avoid creation of a cron job.


plone_keep_days: 3

How many days of undo information do you wish to keep when you pack the database. Defaults to 3.


  minute: 30
  hour: 2
  weekday: "*"

When do you wish to run the backup operation? Specify minute, hour and weekday specifications for a valid cron time. See CRONTAB(5). Defaults to 2:30 every morning. Set to no to avoid creation of a cron job.


plone_keep_backups: 3

How many generations of full backups do you wish to keep? Defaults to 2.

Daily backups are typically partial: they cover the differences between the current state and the state at the last full backup. However backups after a pack operation are complete (full) backups -- not difference operations. Thus, keeping two full backups means that you have backups for plone_keep_backups * days_between_packs days. See the collective.recipe.backup documentation.


plone_keep_blob_days: 21

How many days of blob backups do you wish to keep? This is typically set to keep_backups * days_between_packs days. Default is 14.


plone_backup_path: /mnt/backup/plone

Where do you want to put your backups? The destination must be writable by the plone_daemon user. Defaults to ./var inside your buildout directory. Subdirectories are created for blob and filestorage backups.

Supervisor Control


plone_use_supervisor: no

When set to yes (the default), the role will set up supervisor to start, stop and control the ZEO server and all the clients except the reserved client.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: all
  sudo: yes
  gather_facts: no


    - name: Update host
      apt: upgrade=dist update_cache=yes


    - role: plone.plone_server
      plone_initial_password: super_secret



Author Information

Created by Steve McMahon. Maintained by the Plone Installer Team as part of the Plone project.


Ansible role to create a plone server






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  • Python 86.7%
  • Shell 13.3%