vim-manpager is plugin to use Vim as a MANPAGER.
It also improve the behavior of :Man
command and mappings in man
See lambdalisue/vim-pager for PAGER.
" Vundle.vim
Plugin 'lambdalisue/vim-manpager'
" neobundle.vim
NeoBundle 'lambdalisue/vim-manpager'
" neobundle.vim (Lazy)
NeoBundleLazy 'lambdalisue/vim-manpager', {
\ 'autoload': {
\ 'commands': 'MANPAGER',
To open vim via man
command, use the following settings in your shell.
$ export MANPAGER="vim -c MANPAGER -"
$ man git
In Vim, you can use Man
command to open a man page (the plugin overwrite the
default Man
command defined in default ftplugin/man.vim
to improve the
:Man git
In man buffer, you can use the following keymaps
Open the manual page for the word under the cursorEnter
Open the manual page for the word under the cursorCtrl-]
Open the manual page for the word under the cursor2-LeftMouse
Open the manual page for the word under the cursorTab
Open next manual page in the historyShift-Tab
Open previous manual page in the history]t
Find next keyword and move the cursor onto[t
Find previous keyword and move the cursor ontoq
Close the manual page