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Kermin Elliott Fleming edited this page Feb 27, 2015 · 1 revision

AWB setup

To use awb you need the awb tools and libraries to be in your search paths, and the tools need some environment variables to be set. So you should add some some things in your .bashrc or similar file

AWB environment setup

# Turn off git SSL verification to clone repositories over https.
# This is required till we get a new SSL certificate
git config --global http.sslVerify false

# If you installed awb from source in a non-standard location, then
# add the awb tools to your PATH

# If you installed awb from source in a non-standard location, then
# add the awb-related directories to the MANPATH and PERL5LIB variables
export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB:<INSTALLDIR>/lib/perl5/site_perl

# Define editor for use with AWB tools
#     Note: if ASIMEDITOR is not set the EDITOR variable is used
#           some of the tools will complain if neither is set
export ASIMEDITOR=<emacs|vim|your-favorite-editor>   

# Add historical define for CVS
export CVS_RSH=ssh

is the location awb and asimcore were installed, i.e., the value given to —prefix on the configure. This was /usr/local in the previous instructions. For apt installation, is /usr

If the libraries libpthread, librt, libdl, libz etc. are installed in a non standard location like /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, then you must add that location to LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

h2. Bluespec setup

Designs targeting FPGA hardware need Bluespec, which has its own set of requirements:

# Add bsc to PATH
export PATH=:$PATH

# Add the Bluespec library

# Add the license manager location

# Add location of IVERILOG (if not in /usr/bin)

h2. FPGA synthesis setup

Instructions for setting up Xilinx tools in Ubuntu can be found here.

h2. Next steps

Next check out the AWB example starting with workspace setup