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Kermin E Fleming edited this page Feb 15, 2015 · 1 revision

Apm-edit build example

Following is an example usage of apm-edit to build and run a model.

Starting apm-edit

As with all the awb tools, one must be in a workspace and invoke the tool. Apm-edit, in specific, takes an .apm file as its input. For example:

% cd ~/workspaces/demo
% apm-edit src/hasim/config/pm/hasim/demos/switch_to_led/adder4x4_exe.apm 

Changing model properties

Although apm-edit is primarily intended to construct models, and awb is a more comprehensive program for configuring and building models and setting up and running benchmarks on those models, apm-edit can accomplish those tasks as well. Each model has a default benchmark and default run switches that are used by apm-edit to set up and run a specific benchmark.

To view and change those defaults on can click on the ‘Changes’ button to the far right of the name of the model’s name. That opens up a properties dialog like the following.

Configuring the model

Using the Model→Configure menu (or typing F9) will configure the model.

A log dialog shows the command used to configure the model and its output. Clicking OK closes the dialog.

Building the model

Using the Model→Build menu (or typing F10) will build the model.

Again the log dialog shows what’s happened.

Setting up the benchmark

Using the Model→Setup menu (or typing F11) will set up the default benchmark.

Running the benchmark

Using Model→Run menu (or typing F12) will run the default benchmark with the default run switches. In this case the —showfp=gui switch causes a graphical front panel to display that allows one to add together two two-bit numbers.

Other functions

The Model→Nuke function will completely remove the model and benchmark areas.

The Model→Clean function will execute a ‘make clean’ operation on the model build tree.