Releases: AsteriskAmpersand/Material-Editing
Releases · AsteriskAmpersand/Material-Editing
Fatalis Patch
Updated Hashes for Fatalis Patch and fixed.
Improved Name Resolution
Improved the name resolution specially for Master List and the basic materials.
Alatreon Patch
Updated for the Alatreon Patch.
Fixed Texture Cleanup
Fixed a bug related to cleanup being improperly scoped.
Added Texture Cleanup
Enabled texture cleanup on the resource list which will remove unreferenced textures on a material.
Updated to Raging Patch
Updates definitions to the Raging Brachydios patch.
Safi'Jiiva Patch
Updated the editor for Safi'Jiiva Patch.
God is Dead Capcom killed him
Must this game find new ways to disappoint me whenever I try to be optimistic about it's construction?
Material Editor GUI Iceborne Rajang
Updated for Rajang patch.
Material Editor GUI Iceborne Beta
Unstable release for Iceborne, updated material hashes and icon.