What it does: It lets you send bridges to streamers ingame
Game Version: 1.50+
Dependencies: PolyTech Framework 0.9.5+
To install: Place this .dll in the ...\Poly Bridge 2\BepInEx\plugins folder, you also have to link your twitch acount with poly bridge!
Enable/Disable Mod: Enables/Disables the mod
Send To Self: What button sends the bridge to yourself
Streamer Amount: The amount of streamers you want to store
Name: The name of the streamers
Send Bridge: What button sends the bridge to this streamer
Load Layout: What button loads the layout from the streamer
- Key: The key/token it will use for authentication, will automatically be filled in if you linked your twitch with the game. (Make sure you keep this a secret, you don't want anyone to know what your key/token is!)