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DenisD3D edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the Mc2Discord wiki!

Getting started

a. Download the latest version of the mod from Curseforge page or Modrinth page and place it in the mods folder (/<server_directory>/mods/).

b. Start your Minercaft server. The configuration file for the mod will be generated in the config folder (/<server_directory>/config/mc2discord.toml)

c. Create a new Discord bot account and copy its token (≈ password for a bot). Step by step guide: Create a Discord Bot

d. Open the configuration file (/<server_directory>/config/mc2discord.toml). Under the [General] section, find the token field. Past the token from the previous step between the quotes. Eg: (Sample token, never share yours. It's like a password!)

    token = "NjM0ODIxOTg1NDUyNjg3MzYw.G9Orx_.ZskjE7uOpjHc6bw93AoRz3dHXkV-hQS7rjldp4"

e. Under the [Channels] section, find the [[Channels.Channel]] block. Copy the Discord channel ID (How to get a Discord ID) where Minecraft message will be relayed and paste it in the id field. Eg:

        id = 123456789123456789
        subscriptions = ["info", "chat", "command"]
        mode = "WEBHOOK"

f. Configuration is complete. Reload it with the /mc2discord restart command to apply the change.

g. Add the bot created in step c. on your Discord server with the /mc2discord invite command. Open the given link, select your Discord server and keep all checkboxes ticked. The bot should now appear on your Discord server member list.

Want more customization? Take a look to the Advanced Configuration page. Use the /mc2discord restart when you're done editing to apply the change.