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Default configuration file
DenisD3D edited this page Jul 31, 2023
2 revisions
file as it is generated the first time :
# Set language for this configuration file. Delete the rest of the file to update. Thanks to the translators: Morty#0273 (ru_ru), PixelVoxel#4327 (ko_kr), thearchy.helios (zh_cn)
# Supported languages: en_us, fr_fr, ru_ru, ko_kr, zh_cn
lang = "en_us"
# Mc2Discord configuration file
# - Curseforge (Download): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mc2discord
# - Modrinth (Download): https://modrinth.com/mod/mc2discord
# - Discord (Support): https://discord.gg/rzzd76c
# - Github (Source code): https://github.com/DenisD3D/Mc2Discord
# - Wiki (Configuration guide): https://github.com/DenisD3D/Mc2Discord/wiki
# FOLLOW THE CONFIGURATION GUIDE IN THE WIKI: https://github.com/DenisD3D/Mc2Discord/wiki
# Support is available through the Discord server
# Token for the Discord bot account, equivalent to a password obtainable through the Discord website (see: https://github.com/DenisD3D/Mc2Discord/wiki/Discord-token)
token = ""
# Channels configuration
# One [[Channels.Channel]] block should be created per Discord channel you want to setup
# Id of the Discord channel to send messages in (see: https://github.com/DenisD3D/Mc2Discord/wiki/Discord-ids)
id = 0
# List of messages types to send that will be sent in this channel. Available values: "info", "chat", "command", "logs" ("info" is equivalent adding "server_start", "server_stop", "player_connect", "player_disconnect", "player_death", "player_advancement")
subscriptions = ["info", "chat", "command"]
# Messages format in this channel. Available values: WEBHOOK, PLAIN_TEXT, EMBED
mode = "WEBHOOK"
# Messages content configuration
# Variables (${xxx}) are replaced by corresponding values (see complete list of variables: https://github.com/DenisD3D/Mc2Discord/wiki/Variables)
# "global" variables may be used in any field
# When server start
start = "The server has started"
# When server stop
stop = "The server has stopped"
# When a player join the server ("player" variables are available)
join = "${player_display_name} joined the game"
# When a player join the server ("player" variables are available)
leave = "${player_display_name} left the game"
# When a player die ("player" and "death" variables are available)
death = "${death_message}"
# When a player unlock an advancement ("player" and "advancement" variables are available)
advancement = "${player_display_name} has made the advancement ${advancement_title}. ${advancement_description}."
# Commands configuration
# Prefix before each command. Minecraft default one is '/' (eg : /help)
prefix = "!"
# If true, commands result are sent in a code block (```result```)
use_codeblocks = true
# Commands permissions configuration.
# One [[Commands.Permission]] block should be created per Discord channel you want to setup
# Id of the Discord member or Discord role the permission apply to (0 <=> everyone)
id = 0
# Minecraft permission level that will be allowed, all commands up to that level will be available (-1 <=> No commands, 0 <=> all non-op commands, 3 <=> all op commands)
permission_level = -1
# List of commands that will be allowed in addition of the permission level
commands = [""]
# Enable additional features
# Executing "/mc2discord restart" is required to generate feature-related parts of the configuration file
# Regular channels name and topic updates with global variables
status_channels = true
# Minecraft and Discord accounts linking with optional whitelist
account_linking = true
# Status channels configuration
# One [[StatusChannels.Channel]] block should be created per Discord channel you want to setup
# Id of the Discord channel of which to edit name and topic (see: https://github.com/DenisD3D/Mc2Discord/wiki/Discord-ids)
id = 0
# Value to set as name of the channel ("global" variables are available, whitespace are replaced by '-' in text channels)
name_message = "${online_players} / ${max_players}"
# Value set as description of the channel ("global" variables are available)
topic_message = "${online_players} / ${max_players}"
# Delay between to update of the channel (in seconds, any value below 610 may cause issues)
update_period = 610
# Account linking configuration
# Id of the guild (Discord server)
guild_id = 0
# If true, Discord members will be renamed to discord_pseudo_format
rename_discord_member = true
# Format to rename Discord members in ("player", "member" and "global" variables are available)
discord_pseudo_format = "${member_name} (IG: ${player_name})"
# If true, players will be asked to link their account before joining the server (whitelist)
force_link = false
# Content of messages related to account linking
# "global" variables may be used in any field
# When a player receive a link code ("${command}" and minecraft formatting variables are available)
link_get_code = "To link your account please send ${command} to ${bot_name}#${bot_discriminator} in a private message on Discord"
# When a player has successfully linked
link_successful = "You have successfully linked your account"
# When a player sent an invalid code
link_invalid_code = "This code is invalid"
# When a player is already linked
link_error_already = "Your account is already linked"
# When a player has successfully unlinked
unlink_successful = "Your account is now unlinked"
# When unlinking failed
unlink_error = "Can't unlink your account"
# When a player doesn't have required roles to link his account
missing_roles = "You don't have the required roles to link your account"
# Account linking requirements configuration
# One [[Account.Policy]] block should be created per account linking requirements
# List of Discord roles id that are required to link an account (a member must have all these roles to be able to link his account)
required_roles_id = []
# List of Discord roles id that will be given to a member when he link his account
roles_id_to_give = []
# Style configuration
# Override the bot name in webhook mode ("global" variables are available)
bot_name = ""
# Override the bot avatar in webhook mode, must be a valid URL to an image ("global" variables are available)
bot_avatar = ""
# URL used to get players head, must be a valid URL to an image ("player" and "global" variables are available)
avatar_api = "https://mc-heads.net/head/${player_uuid}/right"
# Format used for messages sent in minecraft chat. ("${reply}", "${attachements}", "member", "message", "global" and minecraft formatting variables are available)
minecraft_chat_format = "<Discord - ${member_display_name}> ${reply}${message}"
# Replace ${reply} in minecraft_chat_format if the message has a referenced message. ("member" (author of the referenced message) and "global" variables are available).
reply_format = "Replying to ${member_nickname}: "
# Format used for chat messages in PLAIN_TEXT mode ("player", "message" and "global" variables are available)
discord_chat_format = "**${player_display_name}**: ${message}"
# If true, bot avatar will be shown in the embed for info messages
embed_show_bot_avatar = false
# Embed colors. A color from https://github.com/DenisD3D/Mc2Discord/wiki/Embed-Colors or a decimal color
info = "SUMMER_SKY"
command = "MEDIUM_SEA_GREEN"
log = "SUMMER_SKY"
# Presence configuration
# Message to display under the bot in the member list on Discord ("global" variables are available)
message = "${online_players} / ${max_players} players"
type = "PLAYING"
# Delay between to update of the channel (in seconds, any value below 610 may cause issues)
update = 60
# Only if type is STREAMING, ignored for others type, must be a valid youtube or twitch link.
link = ""
# Miscellaneous settings
# If true, other bots messages will be sent in minecraft chat
relay_bot_messages = false
# List of allowed mentions from minecraft (supported value: "EVERYONE_AND_HERE", "ROLE", "USER")
allowed_mention = ["ROLE", "USER"]
# Text of the /discord command
discord_text = "Invitation link not set"
# Link of the /discord command
discord_link = "https://discord.gg/"
# Format for server logs on Discord
logs_format = "[${log_time|HH:mm:ss}] [${log_thread_name}/${log_level}] [${log_logger_name}]: ${log_message}"
# Level for server logs on Discord (supported values: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL)
logs_level = "INFO"
# If true, any message sent by another mod will be logged to the console (used only for configuration of [[Misc.OtherModMessage]], must be disabled after)
verbose_other_mods_messages = false
# Configuration for messages from others mods
# Values may be found on the wiki (https://github.com/DenisD3D/Mc2Discord/wiki/Other-Mods-Messages) or by enabling verbose_other_mods_messages
# Name of the Java class the message is comming from
class_name = ""
# Index of the class in the stacktrace
class_index = 0
# Type the message will be sent as, must be one found in a Channels.Channel configuration
type = "info"