These options are available when looking at a player on the "Players" tab in Stand (Players -> x -> KeramiScript.V.x.x)
- Make Player Explode Themselves - Explode the corresponding player and blame it on them
- Loop Explode Suicide [x] - Loops suicidal explosions.
- Make Player Molotov Themselves - Fire will not stay on the player if invisibility is enabled
- Loop Molotov Suicide - Loops suicidal molotovs.
- Change explosion delay (ms) - Changes the explosion delay in milliseconds. Max 10sec (10000ms)
- Explosion Gun - Gives the player an explosion gun.
- God Check - Whether the player is in godmode/invulnerable
- Move Check - Notifies you if the selected player is moving. Useful for people who were AFK.
- Move Check Interval (ms) - How many milliseconds need to pass for it to check.
- Pan. - Pan feature.
- Number of fried fish - The number of flippity flops
- Remove Pan. - Yep.
- Remove Player Godmode - Removes the player's godmode, if they're not on a good paid menu.
- Vehicle Trolling
- Place wall in front of player - Places walls in front of player. Delete after half a second. Use this when they are driving forward for EPIC TROLLING.
- Drop Vehicle
- Drop vehicle on player
- Input Vehicle Name [...] - Input a vehicle name for vehicle drop. The actual NAME that is assigned to it in RAGE, e.g. OppressorMK2 = oppressor2.
- Make Vehicle Invisible? [x] - Makes the vehicle trolling vehicle invisible.
- Teleport Player's Vehicle
- Teleport Player Into Ocean - Telepots the player's vehicle into the ocean. May need multiple clicks.
- Teleport Player Onto Maze Bank - Telepots the player's vehicle onto the Maze Bank tower. May need multiple clicks.
- FakeLag Player's Vehicle [x] - Teleports the player's vehicle behind them a bit, simulating lag.
- Toss Features
- Toss Player Around [x] - Loops no-damage explosions on the player. They will be invisible if you set them as such.
- Get Weapon Impact [x] - Gets the coodinates that you want them to go to from your shot.
- Weapon Impact Debug - N/D
- Clear location memory - N/D
- Better Toss [x] - IT'S FINALLY HERE!.
- Toxic Features
- Bro Hug
- Freemode Death - Freemode death on player
- Send Custom Script Event - Advanced users only.
- Custom Script Event Hash [num] - N/D
- Param1 [num] - N/D
- Param2 [num] - N/D
- Param3 [num] - N/D
- AIO kick - If 'slower, but better aio' is enabled in lobby features, then uses it here as well.
- Casino Blocks
- Block Casino, Semi-Permanently. - Blocks the casino for them, so they have to restart their game in order to access it. Joining a new session will not work for them. This sometimes doesn't work, but most of the time, it does.
- Block Casino Garage - Same as 'block casino'
- Block Los Santos Customs
- Block LSC (1/4, by the airport) - N/D
- Block LSC (2/4, right of the map) - N/D
- Block LSC (3/4, middle of the map) - N/D
- Block LSC (4/4, top of the map) - N/D
- Settings
- Iterations of spawn - How many times the objects are spawned, to 'make them stick' to the player. Higher values = more time, but more chance of them sticking.
- Plague Crash - Works on very few menus, but works on legits.
- Bro Hug
- Settings
- Blacklist from Silent Aimbot - Blacklists the selected player from silent aimbot.
- Blacklist from Auto Car-Suicide - Blacklists the selected player from flagging a Car Suicide Explosion.
These options are available when navigating to the KeramiScript tab in Lua Scripts (Stand -> Lua Scripts -> KeramiScript.V.x.x)
- Invisible Explosion [x] - Toggles whether the explosion will be invisible or not. On = Invisible. // BREAKS THE LONG-LASTING FIRE EFFECT OF THE MOLOTOV
- Audible Explosion? [x] - Toggles whether the explosion will be audible or not. On = Audible
- Lobby Features
- Explosion Features
- Everyone Explode-suicides - Makes everyone commit suicide, with an explosion.
- Toxic Features
- Block Areas
- Casino Blocks
- Block Casino, Semi-Permanently. - Blocks the casino for them, so they have to restart their game in order to access it. Joining a new session will not work for them. This sometimes doesn't work, but most of the time, it does.
- Block Casino Garage - Same as 'block casino'
- Block Los Santos Customs
- Block LSC (1/4, by the airport) - N/D
- Block LSC (2/4, right of the map) - N/D
- Block LSC (3/4, middle of the map) - N/D
- Block LSC (4/4, top of the map) - N/D
- Block Nearest Road
- Casino Blocks
- Settings
- Are props visible? [x] - Decide whether the blocking walls are visible or not.
- Iterations of spawn [num] - How many times the objects are spawned, to 'make them stick' to the player. Higher values = more time, but more chance of them sticking
- Block Areas
- Black Plague Crash All - Blocked by most menus.
- Removes
- Freemode death all. - Will probably not work on some/most menus. A 'delayed kick' of sorts.
- AIO Kick All. - Will probably not work on some menus.
- Slower, but better AIO.
- Other Features
- Remove Vehicle Godmode for All (BETA) - Removes everyone's vehicle godmode, making them easier to kill :)
- Teleport everyone's vehicles to ocean (BETA) - Teleports everyone's vehicles into the ocean.
- Teleport everyone's vehicles to Maze Bank (BETA) - Teleports everyone's vehicles on top of the Maze Bank tower
- Explosion Features
- Fun Features
- Sticky Bomb Gun
- Improved Sticky Bomb Gun [x] - Notes where or what you shot, to explode it later.
- Explode All Stickybombs - Explodes all marked entities and coordinate with one stickybomb.
- Clear Stickybombs - Clears all stickybombs from this script.
- Extinction Gun
- Better Extinction Gun [x] - N/D
- Extinct. N/D
- Clear Extinct List - N/D
- Proximity Mine Gun
- Proximity Mine Gun [x] - Only works on coordinates, not entities. For that, use sticky bomb gun.
- Enable/Disable Proximity Mines [x] - Makes the proximity mines actually check for if entities are by them.
- Clear Proximity Mines - Clears all proximity mines that you've placed.
- Kill Aura
- KillAura [x] - Kills peds, optionally players, optionally friends, in a raidus.
- KillAura Settings
- KillAura Radius [num] - Radius for KillAura-
- Blame Killaura on Me? [x] - If toggled off, bullets will not be blamed on you.
- Target Players? [x] - If toggled off, will only target peds.
- Target ONLY Players? [x] - If toggled on, will target ONLY players.
- Delete vehicles of peds? [x] - If toggled on, will delete vehicles of non-player peds, which makes them easier to kill.
- Delete peds after shooting? [x] - If toggled on, will delete the peds that you have killed.
- Draw peds in radius [x] - If toggled on, will draw the number of peds in the selected radius. Does not need KillAura to be enabled.
- Spawn test peds
- Populate the map. - After killing a bit too many peds, you can re-populate the map with this neat button. How cool!
- PvP/PvE Helper
- Silent Aimbot [x] - A silent aimbot with bone selection.
- Silent Aim Settings
- Silent Aimbot Damage [num] - The amount of damage Silent Aimbot does. Not accurate, sadly...
- Silent Aimbot Range [num] - Silent Aimbot Range
- Silent Aimbot FOV [num] - The FOV of which players can be targeted. (divided by 10)
- Vehicle Mode [x] - Removes line-of-sight checks. Done to make silent aim work for vehicles. Please do note that the FOV is taken FROM THE VEHICLE, NOT FROM WHERE YOU ARE FACING.
- Legit Silent Aim [x] - If you have Line-of-Sight, attempts to shoot a bullet from you to the player. Doesn't always work if they're moving too fast.
- Vehicle-Head Check [x] - Will check if the selected player is in a vehicle. If they are in a vehicle, and HEAD isn't selected, will target their head automatically to increase chances of killing.
- Target ONLY NPCs [x] - Toggle this to ONLY silent aimbot NPCs. Toggle off for ONLY players.
- Silent Aimbot Head [x] - Makes the aimbot target the head. Probably doesn't look legitimate, but ok.
- Silent Aimbot Body (Spine2) [x] - "Makes the aimbot target the body, also known as spine2.
- Silent Aimbot Pelvis [x] - Makes the aimbot target the pelvis.
- Silent Aimbot Toe (Toe0) [x] - Makes the aimbot target the toe, otherwise known as toe0
- Silent Aimbot Hand (R_HAND) [x] - Makes the aimbot target the hand, otherwise known as R_Hand
- Vehicle Aimbot (experimental)
- Helicopter Aimbot [x] - Makes the heli aim at the closest player. Combine this with 'silent aimbot' for it to look like you're super good :)
- Modify Missile Speed [] - Thank you so much Nowiry for this.
- Set missile speed [num] - Sets the speed of your missiles.
- RPG Aimbot
- RPG Aimbot / Most Vehicles [x] - You heard me. Only the REGULAR RPG, not the homing one. Works on vehicles as well, such as Lazer or Buzzard. No guarantees, though!
- RPG Aimbot Radius [num] - Range for missile aimbot, e.g. how far the person can be away.
- RPG Speed Multiplier [num] - Multiplier for speed. Default is 100, it's good.
- RPG LOS Remove [x] - Removes line-of-sight checks. Do not turn this on unless you know what you're doing.
- Orbital Waypoint
- Orbital Strike Waypoint [] - Orbital Cannons your selected Waypoint.
- Sneaky Explosion [x] - Makes the orbital not blamed on you.
- Auto Car-Suicide
- Auto Car-Suicide [x] - Automatically explodes your car when you are next to a player.
- Car Suicide Sneaky [x] - Makes the explosion of the car bomb not blamed on you.
- Sticky Bomb Gun
- Debug Features
- Get V3 Coords [toast;x] - Toasts your coordinates.
- Request Control? [x] - N/D
- Get V3 Of Entity [toast;x] - Toasts the coodinates of the entity you shoot.
- Get Heading [toast] - N/D
- Get player name from shot [toast;x]
- Tools
- Teleport high up [] - Teleports you very high up, for testing parachutes/falldamage.
- Draw position [x] - N/D
- Draw Entity Pool [x] - N/D
- Entity Pool Settings
- Draw Vehicles? [x]
- Vehicle Text Placement X [num]
- Vehicle Text Placement Y [num]
- Draw Peds? [x]
- Ped Text Placement X [num]
- Ped Text Placement Y [num]
- Draw Objects? [x]
- Object Text Placement X [num]
- Object Text Placement Y [num]
- Draw Pickups? [x]
- Pickups Text Placement X [num]
- Pickups Text Placement Y [num]
- Settings
- Text Size (/10) - Sets the scale of the text to the value you assign, divided by 10. This is because it only takes integer values.
- Others
- Set every single thing that is a minute long to 0
- Entity Pool Settings
- Vehicle Options
- Unlock Vehicle that you shoot [x] - Unlocks a vehicle that you shoot. This will work on locked player cars.
- Unlock vehicle that you try to get into [x] - Unlocks a vehicle that you try to get into. This will work on locked player cars.
- Turn Car On Instantly [x] - Turns the car engine on instantly when you get into it, so you don't have to wait.
- Stop Vehicle On Getting In [x] - Set's the car's velocity to 0 when you try to get into it. Useful on roads.
- Settings
- Enable/Disable notifications - Disables notifications like 'stickybomb placed!' or 'entity marked.' Stuff like that. Those get annoying with the Pan feature especially.
- Enable/Disable ArrayList - God, please, save me. Save me from this.