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RasterPropMonitor Config

MOARdV edited this page Oct 25, 2017 · 4 revisions

Configuration File

There is a minimal config file for RasterPropMonitor. If everything was installed correctly, it is in JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Plugins/rpm-config.cfg.

The config file provides the following options:

  • DebugLogging -- defaults to false; used to enable extensive logging of RasterPropMonitor data (mostly at initialization).
  • MinimumRefreshRate -- defaults to 1; used to control the maximum rate that RPM will update the variables it tracks. Low-spec computers may less lag using a larger number.
  • ShowCallCount -- defaults to false; when enabled, RPM will keep track of how many times each variable is queried, and how many FixedUpdate calls take place during a session. When you exit Flight (back to the space center, not insta-quitting to the desktop), a sorted list of those calls is written to the log file, with the most heavily used variable listed last. These results are primarily of interest to IVA developers to see if they're overdoing the number of calls (which can cause lag). If DebugLogging is set to false, ShowCallCount is set to false.
  • ShowOnly - a pipe-delimited ('|') list of RPM modules to log. When DebugLogging is set to true and this config option is not empty, only the RPM modules in this list will log. If this option is empty or missing, all modules will be logged. This is mostly of interest to me, but maybe others will find a use for it.

When requesting support, you should change DebugLogging to true before reproducing the problem so that (much) more information is available in the log.

If, for some reason, there is more than one config file found in the GameData directory, RPM only look at the first config file it finds.

The full config file looks like this:

	DebugLogging = True
	ShowCallCount = False

RPM Per-Module Override

Config files can tell RasterPropMonitor to ignore specific parts, or specific modules within a part, when updating per-module data tracking. The per-module data tracking is used to report data such as engine performance values, parachute state, power generation, etc.

The config node uses the following format:

    moduleName = differentPartName:*
    moduleName = partName:modulename

moduleName can occur any number of times in an RPM_IGNORE_MODULES block. Each moduleName consists of a part name, followed by a colon, followed by either a * or a module name (ie, ModuleEngines). If the * is used, all modules in that part are ignored. If a module name is provided, only that particular module is skipped when updating per-module data lists. A part name may appear in more than one line.