You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 11
Latticegrid scripts
# useful plugins
# documentation: http://cardboardrocket.com/pages/paginating_find
#no longer using this (5/5/2008)
#script/plugin install http://svn.cardboardrocket.com/paginating_find
# documentation: http://bparanj.blogspot.com/2007/09/how-to-use-will-paginate-20-rails.html
# documentation: http://errtheblog.com/posts/56-im-paginating-again
# replaced with mislav-will-paginate gem
#script/plugin install svn://errtheblog.com/svn/plugins/will_paginate
#ldap stuff
# may need to register this site: http://rubyforge.org/projects/net-ldap/
sudo gem install ruby-net-ldap
# sparklines
sudo gem install sparklines
sudo gem install sparklines_generator
# may need to do this too:
sudo gem install rmagick
ruby script/generate sparklines
# for sparklines, add to bottom of config/environment.rb
require 'sparklines'
# in the controller where you want to use a sparkline:
#class MyController < ApplicationController
helper :sparklines
# call in any view for that controller:
<%= sparkline_tag [10,20,30], :type => 'pie' %>
#csv parser
sudo gem install fastercsv
#simple date select plugin
script/plugin install svn://code.jeremyevans.net/rails/plugins/simple_date_select
# acts_as_taggable
script/plugin install http://svn.viney.net.nz/things/rails/plugins/acts_as_taggable_on_steroids
--PostgreSQL commands
-- add this line to pg_hba.conf so you can connect to it on the local machine without a password, if you so desire
local all cancerpublications trust
-- now login to postgres using psql
psql postgres
-- create the user (role)
-- for a little bit of security, create a role. user is an alias for role that also specifies that the role is permitted to login
CREATE USER cancerpublications with createdb;
#if you need to add the createdb role to user, do it like this:
ALTER USER cancerpublications with createdb;
-- you can also specify a user and password:
CREATE USER nucatspublications WITH PASSWORD 'jw8s0F4';
-- or if the user has already been created:
ALTER USER nucatspublications WITH PASSWORD 'jw8s0F4';
-- or add a end date to the user:
CREATE ROLE nucatspublications WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'jw8s0F4' VALID UNTIL '2008-01-01';
-- now switch to the new user
\connect - cancerpublications
-- now create the database
create database cancerpublications_development;
create database cancerpublications_test;
create database cancerpublications_production;
# You can also use the shell script but this requires looser security, specifying access, or reassigning ownership of the database
createdb cancerpublications_development
createdb cancerpublications_test
-- and specify privileges if you did not create the database using the new user. Skip this step if you used the new user
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON TABLE schema_info TO nucatspublications;
-- sequences
GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON allele_types_id_seq, animal_model_publications_id_seq, animal_models_id_seq, model_types_id_seq, mutation_methods_id_seq, pi_contacts_id_seq, tumor_types_id_seq TO animalmodels;
# create rails app
rails -d postgresql cancerpublications
cd nucatspublications
bbedit config/database.yml
#make sure you have a section that looks like:
adapter: postgresql
database: cancerpublications_development
username: cancerpublications
adapter: postgresql
database: cancerpublications_test
username: cancerpublications
# create the controller
script/generate controller abstracts
script/generate controller graphs
script/generate controller programs
script/generate controller investigators
# create Models
# now create a model
script/generate model abstract
script/generate model investigator
script/generate model investigator_abstract
script/generate model program
script/generate model program_abstract
script/generate model investigator_program
script/generate model proposal
script/generate model investigator_proposal
script/generate model study
script/generate model investigator_study
script/generate model investigator_relationship
# for graphing the connections
script/generate controller graph
script/generate model graph
# edit the db/migrate script
bbedit db/migrate/001_create_abstracts.rb
bbedit db/migrate/002_create_investigators.rb
bbedit db/migrate/003_create_investigator_abstracts.rb
bbedit db/migrate/004_create_programs.rb
bbedit db/migrate/005_create_investigator_programs.rb
# create the scaffolds
script/generate scaffold abstract
# after changing the table create script to create the necessary features, try it with rake:
# test that the models can be generated and moved
rake db:migrate
# reverse the migration
rake db:migrate VERSION=0
# repeat
rake db:migrate
# do it in production:
rake environment RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate
# do it in test:
rake environment RAILS_ENV=test db:migrate
# install additional investigators using ldap
rake getLDAP uid_list=aqw,wakibbe
ruby test/unit/abstract_test.rb
# clean all usernames by removing any periods
rake cleanInvestigatorsUsername
# load data using the insertAbstracts rake task
rake insertAbstracts
rake RAILS_ENV=production insertAbstracts
#insert all abstracts (10 years)
rake insertAllAbstracts
rake RAILS_ENV=production insertAllAbstracts
#update member associations based on loaded publications
rake associateAbstractsWithInvestigators
rake RAILS_ENV=production associateAbstractsWithInvestigators
# update publication information like first and last authors
rake updateAbstractInvestigators
#update publication information for each investigator, include collaboration information
rake updateInvestigatorInformation
#create tags from MeSH data for each abstract
rake tagAbstractsWithMeshTerms
#create tags from MeSH data for each investigator
# runs in 25 minutes
#update publication information for each program
rake updateProgramAbstractInformation
#all the expected tasks are run using this build command
# runs these tasks: :insertAbstracts, :associateAbstractsWithInvestigators, :updateAbstractInvestigators, :updateInvestigatorInformation, :tagAbstractsWithMeshTerms, :updateProgramAbstractInformation
rake nightlyBuild
rake RAILS_ENV=production nightlyBuild
# something to do weekly is:
vacuumdb -fz cancerpublications_development
#all the mesh associations are run with this command
rake monthlyBuild
rake RAILS_ENV=production monthlyBuild
# see file generateGraphs.sh for how to generat connection graphs for cancer center member publications
#start web server
# clear logs
rake log:clear
# passenger restart
touch tmp/restart.txt
# some quality control sql to run
select count(*) from abstracts where year is null;
select count(*) from abstracts where publication_date is null;
select count(*) from abstracts where electronic_publication_date is null;
select count(*), year from abstracts group by year order by year;
select count(*), year from abstracts where publication_date is null group by year order by year;
select count(*), year from abstracts where electronic_publication_date is null group by year order by year;
select count(*), year from abstracts where electronic_publication_date > publication_date group by year order by year;