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Latticegrid server migration
database dump and restore
pg_dump -i -Fc fsmpublications_development -U fsmpublications -h pdev > fsmpublications_dev_201012315.dmp
pg_restore -d fsmpublications_production -U fsmpublications -h pprod fsmpublications_dev_201012315.dmp
data dump from my laptop after a new build:
psql --version
#psql (PostgreSQL) 8.4.5
#contains support for command-line editing
pg_dump -i -Fc fsm_latticegrid_production -U fsm_latticegrid -h pprod > fsmpublications_prod_201103306.dmp
pg_dump -i -Fc fsmpublications_development -U fsmpublications > fsmpublications_dev_201103306.dmp
set up a tunnel from my laptop to rails2-prod routing localhost port 5433 to pprod port 5432 (standard postgres port)
ssh -f wakibbe@rails-prod2.nubic.northwestern.edu -L 5433:pprod.bioinformatics.northwestern.edu:5432 -N
run pg_restore to get the data from my laptop into production. -O tells it to use the connection postgres user, not the one I extracted from
pg_restore -c -O -d fsm_latticegrid_production -U fsm_latticegrid -h localhost -p 5433 fsmpublications_dev_201103306.dmp
copy it using scp
scp fsmpublications_dev_201103306.dmp wakibbe@rails-prod2.nubic.northwestern.edu:/home/wakibbe
now restore from pg_dump file using pg_restore
pg_restore -O -d fsm_latticegrid_production -U fsm_latticegrid -h pprod fsmpublications_dev_201103306.dmp
Alternatively, you can do this more directly using ssh tunneling. For instance, set up a tunnel from a laptop to rails-dev by routing localhost port 5433 to pdev port 5432 (standard postgres port)
ssh -f wakibbe@rails-dev.bioinformatics.northwestern.edu -L 5433:pdev.bioinformatics.northwestern.edu:5432 -N
Now run pg_dump to get the data out of Postgres into a file
pg_dump -i -Fc fsmpublications_development -U fsmpublications -h localhost -p 5433 > fsmpublications_dev_201012315.dmp
Set up a tunnel from my laptop to rails-prodv routing localhost port 5433 to pprod port 5432 (standard postgres port)
ssh -f wakibbe@rails-prod.nubic.northwestern.edu -L 5433:pprod.bioinformatics.northwestern.edu:5432 -N
run pg_restore to get the data from my laptop into production. -O tells it to use the connection postgres user, not the one I extracted from
pg_restore -c -O -d fsm_latticegrid_production -U fsm_latticegrid -h localhost -p 5433 fsmpublications_dev_201012315.dmp