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Record the process of learning algorithm problems on various platforms and continuously enhance my algorithm ability.


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Algorithm Learning

Record the learning route of algorithm problem, improve the efficiency of machine testing learning, and continuously enhance the ability of machine testing code.

1 Knowledge

Type Knowledge
Array dichotomy
Basic Algorithm double pointerdifferencesliding windowmonotone stack
Data Structure segment tree

2 Data Range Analysis

Based on the complexity and algorithm content of the data range inverse calculation method, the time limit for ACM or pen test questions is generally 1~2 seconds.

在这种情况下,C++代码中的操作次数控制在 $10^7~10^8$ 为最佳。下面给出在不同数据范围下,代码的时间复杂度和算法该如何选择:

Data Range Time Complexity Common Algorithm
$n≤30$ 指数级别 dfs+剪枝,状态压缩dp
$n≤10^2$ $O(n^3)$ floyd,dp,高斯消元
$n≤10^3$ $O(n^2)$$O(n²logn)$ dp,二分,朴素版Dijkstra、朴素版Prim、Bellman-Ford
$n≤10^4$ $O(n∗\sqrt{n})$ 块状链表、分块、莫队
$n≤10^5$ $O(nlogn)$ 各种sort,线段树、树状数组、set/map、heap、拓扑排序、dijkstra+heap、prim+heap、Kruskal、spfa、求凸包、求半平面交、二分、CDQ分治、整体二分、后缀数组、树链剖分、动态树
$n≤10^6$ 常数较小的 $O(nlogn)$ 单调队列、 hash、双指针扫描、BFS、并查集,kmp、AC自动机
$n≤10^7$ $O(n)$ 双指针扫描、kmp、AC自动机、线性筛素数
$n≤10^9$ $O(\sqrt{n})$ 判断质数
$n≤10^{18}$ $O(logn)$ 最大公约数,快速幂,数位DP
$n≤10^{1000}$ $O((logn)²)$ 高精度加减乘除
$n≤10^{100000}$ $O(logk×loglogk)$ $k$ 表示位数,高精度加减、FFT/NTT

3 Record

ID Platform 题单名称 State Complete Time
1 Acwing 算法基础课 Ongoing
2 Acwing 蓝桥杯每日一题 Ongoing
3 Acwing 算法竞赛进阶指南 Ongoing
5 Leetcode Leetcode热题100 Over 2024.07.27
6 Leetcode 动态规划(基础版) Over 2024.10.08
7 Leetcode 「新」动计划·编程入门 Over 2024.07.23
8 Leetcode 面试经典150题 Ongoing
9 Leetcode 119经典题变种挑战 Ongoing
10 Leetcode 30天Pandas挑战 Over 2024.11.27
11 Nowcoder 笔试必刷TOP101 Ongoing
12 Nowcoder 输入输出练习 Ongoing
13 Leetcode 高频 SQL 50 题(基础版) Ongoing


Record the process of learning algorithm problems on various platforms and continuously enhance my algorithm ability.





