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Alyssa Hayes edited this page Aug 30, 2023 · 26 revisions




Value options:

  • 0: Ionization and recombination off
  • 1: Ionization and recombination on

If ionization and recombination are turned on, GITR expects reaction coefficients in gitrInput.cfg. The most common input file for this is a NetCDF file containing coefficients from ADAS, typically called or something similar. Here is an example segment to achieve this in your gitrInput.cfg file. This segment should fall into the impurityParticleSource section.

    ionization =
        fileString = "";
        TempGridString = "n_Temperatures_Ionize";
        DensGridString = "n_Densities_Ionize";
        nChargeStateString = "n_ChargeStates_Ionize";
        TempGridVarName = "gridTemperature_Ionization";
        DensGridVarName = "gridDensity_Ionization";
        CoeffVarName = "IonizationRateCoeff";

    recombination =
        fileString = "";
        TempGridString = "n_Temperatures_Recombine";
        DensGridString = "n_Densities_Recombine";
        nChargeStateString = "n_ChargeStates_Recombine";
        TempGridVarName = "gridTemperature_Recombination";
        DensGridVarName = "gridDensity_Recombination";
        CoeffVarName = "RecombinationRateCoeff";


Units: m^2/s

Value options:

  • 0: Anomalous perpendicular diffusion off
  • 1: Anomalous perpendicular diffusion on
  • 2: Anomalous perpendicular diffusion on and takes care of magnetic field curvature

If anomalous perpendicular diffusion is turned on, GITR expects Dperp, an anomalous perpendicular diffusion coefficient in gitrInput.cfg. The Diffusion segment belongs inside the backgroundPlasmaProfiles section and utilizes the file.

    Diffusion = 
        Dperp = 0.3;
        fileString = "";
        gridNrString = "nR";
        gridNzString = "nZ";
        gridRString = "r";
        gridZString = "z";
        variableString = "ni";


Value options:

  • 0: Fokker-Planck Coulomb collisions off
  • 1: Fokker-Planck Coulomb collisions on


Value options:

  • 0: Thermal gradient force correction off
  • 1: Thermal gradient force correction off


Value options:

  • 0: Brooks model of the sheath electric field used internally by GITR off
  • 1: Brooks model of the sheath electric field used internally by GITR on


Value options:

  • 0: Self-sputtering and reflection off
  • 1: Self-sputtering and reflection on

If self-sputtering and reflection are turned on, GITR expects self-sputtering and reflection yields in gitrInput.cfg. This is inclusive to multi-species simulations. The most common input file for this is a NetCDF file containing coefficients from Fractal TRIDYN or RustBCA, typically called Here is an example section to achieve this in your gitrInput.cfg file. This section is standalone.

surfaceModel = 
    fileString = "";
    nEsputtRefCoeffString = "nE";
    nAsputtRefCoeffString = "nA";
    nEsputtRefDistInString = "nE";
    nAsputtRefDistInString = "nA";
    nEsputtRefDistOutString = "nEdistBins";
    nEsputtRefDistOutStringRef = "nEdistBinsRef";
    nAsputtRefDistOutString = "nAdistBins";
    E_sputtRefCoeff = "E";
    A_sputtRefCoeff = "A";
    E_sputtRefDistIn = "E";
    A_sputtRefDistIn = "A";
    E_sputtRefDistOut = "eDistEgrid";
    E_sputtRefDistOutRef = "eDistEgridRef";
    Aphi_sputtRefDistOut = "phiGrid";
    Atheta_sputtRefDistOut = "thetaGrid";
    sputtYldString = "spyld";
    reflYldString = "rfyld";
    EDist_Y = "energyDist";
    AphiDist_Y = "cosXDist";
    AthetaDist_Y = "cosYDist";
    EDist_R = "energyDistRef";
    AphiDist_R = "cosXDistRef";
    AthetaDist_R = "cosYDistRef";


Value options:

  • 0: Uses inbuilt Debye Sheath model in GITR
  • 1: Uses specified surface potentials (specified in gitrGeometryPointPlane3d.cfg)

If USE_SURFACE_POTENTIAL = 0, it uses the Debye sheath model built in GITR and overrides any other specified surface potentials. However, in some cases where surface potentials are specified externally (e.g. RF rectified sheath potentials) in gitrGeometryPointPlane3d.cfg as an input preprocessing, this flag is set to 1.



Value options:

  • 0: Extrude into a 3D (r,z,y) rectangular cartesian space
  • 1: Extrude into a 3D (r,z,t) toroidal space with cylindrical symmetry in the toroidal direction

Given a 2D geometry and 2D plasma profiles, USECYLSYMM will extrude both into 3D space, depending on whether a 0 or a 1 is assigned. If a 3D geometry is defined, USECYLSYMM will not override it. If 3D plasma profiles are defined, USECYLSYMM will not override them.

Vector Field Interpolators


Units: T

Value options:

  • 0: Use dummy B-field values defined in gitrInput.cfg
  • 2: Interpolate 2D values for Br, Bt, and Bz in the (r,z) dimensions from
  • 3: Interpolate 3D values for Br, Bt, and Bz in the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions from

GITR always expects B-field values in gitrInput.cfg.

The first section consists of 3 lines that define B-field dummy constants r, z, and y, which correspond to Br, Bz, and By and default to 0. If BFIELD_INTERP is set to 0, this will activate these constants to be applied across either the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions, depending on the value of USECYLSYMM. The second section defines expected variable names for GITR to interpolate B-field values from This section should not be changed. Here is an example segment to achieve this in your gitrInput.cfg file. This segment belongs inside the backgroundPlasmaProfiles section and utilizes the file.

    Bfield =
        r = 0.0;
        z = 0.0;
        y = 0.0;
        fileString = "";
        gridNrString = "nR";
        gridNzString = "nZ";
        gridRString = "r";
        gridZString = "z";
        rString = "br";
        zString = "bz";
        yString = "bt";
        interpolation = 2;
        filename = "Bfield_output";
        value = 1.0;
        variable_name = "Bfield_output";


Units: V

Value options:

  • 0: Use dummy E-field values defined in gitrInput.cfg
  • 2: Interpolate 2D values for Er, Et, and Ez in the (r,z) dimensions from
  • 3: Interpolate 3D values for Er, Et, and Ez in the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions from

The first section consists of 3 lines that define E-field dummy constants Er, Ez, and Ey, which default to 0. If EFIELD_INTERP is set to 0, this will activate these constants to be applied across either the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions, depending on the value of USECYLSYMM. The second section defines expected variable names for GITR to interpolate E-field values from This section should not be changed. Here is an example segment to achieve this in your gitrInput.cfg file. This segment belongs inside the backgroundPlasmaProfiles section and utilizes the file.

    Efield = 
        Er = 0.0;
        Ez = 0.0;
        Et = 0.0;
        fileString = "";
        gridNrString = "nR";
        gridNzString = "nZ";
        gridRString = "r";
        gridZString = "z";
        radialComponentString = "Er";
        axialComponentString = "Ez";
        toroidalComponentString = "Et";


Units: V

Value options:

  • 0: Use dummy presheath E-field values defined in gitrInput.cfg
  • 2: Interpolate 2D presheath E-field values in the (r,z) dimensions
  • 3: Interpolate 3D presheath E-field values in the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions


Units: m-3

Value options:

  • 0: Use dummy ni and ne density values defined in gitrInput.cfg
  • 2: Interpolate 2D values for ni and ne in the (r,z) dimensions from
  • 3: Interpolate 3D values for ni and ne in the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions from

The first section consists of 2 lines that define dummy constants ni and ne, which default to 1.0E+19 m-3. If DENSITY_INTERP is set to 0, this will activate these constants to be applied across either the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions, depending on the value of USECYLSYMM. The second section defines expected variable names for GITR to interpolate density values from This section should not be changed. Here is an example segment to achieve this in your gitrInput.cfg file. This segment belongs inside the backgroundPlasmaProfiles section and utilizes the file.

    Density = 
        ni = 1.0E+19;
        ne = 1.0E+19;
        fileString = "";
        gridNrString = "nR";
        gridNzString = "nZ";
        gridRString = "r";
        gridZString = "z";
        IonDensityString = "ni";
        ElectronDensityString = "ne";


Units: eV

Value options:

  • 0: Use dummy Ti and Te density values defined in gitrInput.cfg
  • 2: Interpolate 2D values for Ti and Te in the (r,z) dimensions from
  • 3: Interpolate 3D values for Ti and Te in the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions from

The first section consists of 2 lines that define dummy constants Ti and Te, which default to 10 eV. If TEMP_INTERP is set to 0, this will activate these constants to be applied across either the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions, depending on the value of USECYLSYMM. The second section defines expected variable names for GITR to interpolate temperature values from This section should not be changed. Here is an example segment to achieve this in your gitrInput.cfg file. This segment belongs inside the backgroundPlasmaProfiles section and utilizes the file.

    Temperature = 
        ti = 10.0;
        te = 10.0;
        fileString = "";
        gridNrString = "nR";
        gridNzString = "nZ";
        gridRString = "r";
        gridZString = "z";
        IonTempString = "ti";
        ElectronTempString = "te";


Units: m/s

Value options:

  • 0: Use dummy flow velocity values defined in gitrInput.cfg
  • 2: Interpolate 2D values for flowVr, flowVy, and flowVz in the (r,z) dimensions from
  • 3: Interpolate 3D values for flowVr, flowVy, and flowVz in the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions from

The first section consists of 3 lines that define dummy constants flowVr, flowVy, and flowVz, which default to 0. If FLOWV_INTERP is set to 0, this will activate these constants to be applied across either the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions, depending on the value of USECYLSYMM. The second section defines expected variable names for GITR to interpolate flow velocity values from This section should not be changed. Here is an example segment to achieve this in your gitrInput.cfg file. This segment belongs inside the backgroundPlasmaProfiles section and utilizes the file.

    FlowVelocity = 
        interpolatorNumber = 0;
        flowVr = 0.0;
        flowVy = 0.0;
        flowVz = 0.0;
        fileString = "";
        gridNrString = "nR";
        gridNzString = "nZ";
        gridRString = "r";
        gridZString = "z";
        flowVrString = "vr";
        flowVzString = "vz";
        flowVtString = "vp";


Units: eV/m

Value options:

  • 0: Use dummy temperature gradient values defined in gitrInput.cfg
  • 2: Interpolate 2D values for temperature gradient values in the (r,z) dimensions from
  • 3: Interpolate 3D values for temperature gradient values in the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions from

The first section consists of 6 lines that define dummy constants gradTeR, gradTeY, gradTeZ, gradTiR, gradTiY, and gradTiZ, which default to 0. If GRADT_INTERP is set to 0, this will activate these constants to be applied across either the (r,z,y) or (r,z,t) dimensions, depending on the value of USECYLSYMM. The second section defines expected variable names for GITR to interpolate flow velocity values from This section should not be changed. Here is an example segment to achieve this in your gitrInput.cfg file. This segment belongs inside the backgroundPlasmaProfiles section and utilizes the file.

    gradT = 
        gradTeR = 0;
        gradTeY = 0;
        gradTeZ = 0;
        gradTiR = 0;
        gradTiY = 0;
        gradTiZ = 0;
        fileString = "";
        gridNrString = "nR";
        gridNzString = "nZ";
        gridRString = "r";
        gridZString = "z";
        gradTiRString = "gradTiR";
        gradTiYString = "gradTiY";
        gradTiZString = "gradTiZ";
        gradTeRString = "gradTeR";
        gradTeYString = "gradTeY";
        gradTeZString = "gradTeZ";

File IO

Monte Carlo


Value options:

  • 0: Uses random seeds
  • 1: Uses fixed seeds

Format for copypasting:

Value options:

  • 0:
  • 1:

If ##### is turned on, GITR expects ##### in gitrInput.cfg. The most common input file for this is a NetCDF file containing ##### from #####, typically called Here is an example segment to achieve this in your gitrInput.cfg file. This segment belongs inside the ##### section and utilizes the file.