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Andrei Costescu edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 6 revisions

The Collapse component is a collapsible container that can show either some custom html, a form or a number of so called "cards". The component can hold several collapsibles and their cards and offers an "accordionMode" property that when true will hide all other collapsibles when one collapsible is expanded.

Since the nature of this component involves content to flow, it is best suited for responsive layouts in Servoy, although it is not limited to those.

Table of contents

Collapse examples

In its most simple form it will look like this

This screenshot shows two "collapsibles" and the expanded "Collapsible #1" with three simple cards.

The following screenshot shows a more flexible use case using some custom css, header and card content html:

An example showing a (collapsible) form:

An example with just plain html shown:

Developer properties view

In Servoy Developer, the Collapse component appears in the Properties panel as follows:

Developer properties

The example shows a collapse component with two collapsibles, the first one having three cards. To add a collapsible, either select the collapsible to insert below at or hit and hit the little plus icon or use the plus icon when selecting the collapsibles node to add a new collapsible at index 0.

Collapse properties

The component has the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
accordionMode Boolean true When true, only one collapsible at a time can be expanded
collapsibles collapsible[] null An array of all collapsibles
styleClass String null Additional style class(es) of the component

Custom types

The component uses two custom types to describe its model: "collapsible" and "card". The "collapsible" type holds properties of one collapsible block. When the collapsible does not show a form or plain html content, its content is taken from the cards array, which consists of "card" type items.

Collapsible type

Collapsible is a component specific javascript type with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
collapsableId String null An Id used to identify the collapsible
headerHtml String null Text or custom html to describe the header content
headerStyleClass String null Additional style class(es) to control the css of the header
bodyStyleClass String null Additional style class(es) to control the css of the content
collapsibleHtml String null Text or custom html that is shown in the content when expanded (use one of form, collapsibleHtml or cards to describe the content)
form Form null The form to be shown in the content
isCollapsed Boolean true Whether this collapsible should be visible or not when the component is first shown
cards card[] true An array of cards to be shown in this collapsible
styleClass String null Additional style class(es) to control the css of this collapsible
collapsedIconName String fa fa-2x fa-angle-down Icon style classes for the icon to be shown when the collapsible is collapsed (set to null to not show an icon)
expandedIconName String fa fa-2x fa-angle-up Icon style classes for the icon to be shown when the collapsible is expanded (set to null to not show an icon)

Card type

Card is a component specific javascript type with the following properties:

Property Type Default Description
cardId String null An Id used to identify this card
contentHtml String null Text or custom html to describe the content
styleClass String null Additional style class(es) to control the css of this card

Collapsible events

Event Params Return Description
onCollapsibleShown event:JSEvent,
Fired when a collapsible is expanded (content is revealed)
onCollapsibleHidden event:JSEvent,
Fired when a collapsible is collapsed (content is hidden)
onCardClicked event:JSEvent,
Fired when a card is clicked

Collapsible API

Method Params Return Description
createCollapsible collapsible Creates and returns an new collapsible.
createCard card Creates and returns an new card.
getCardById cardId:String card Returns the card with the given cardId.
addCollapsible collapsible:collapsible Adds the given collapsible to the component.
setCollapsibles collapsibles:collapsible[] Sets all the collapsible of this component at once
toggle [index:Number] Toggles the state of the collapsible at the given index or the first (and maybe only one) if no index is given
show [index:Number] Shows (expands) the collapsible at the given index or the first (and maybe only one) if no index is given
hide [index:Number] Hides the state of the collapsible at the given index or the first (and maybe only one) if no index is given
removeCollapsibleById [collapsibleId:String] boolean Removes the collapsible at the given collapsibleId
removeCollapsibleAt [collapsibleIndex:Number] boolean Removes the collapsible at the given collapsibleIndex or the first (and maybe only one) if no collapsibleIndex is given
removeAllCollapsibles boolean Removes all the collapsibles


Creates and returns an new collapsible

Returns collapsible


var collapsible = component.createCollapsible('Collapsible #1');
collapsible.collapsableId = 'collapsable1';'Card #1', 'card1.1'));'Card #2', 'card1.2'));'Card #3', 'card1.3'));


Creates and returns an new card

Params none

Returns card


Returns the card with the given cardId or null when not found.


Type Name Description Required
String cardId The cardId Required

Returns card


Adds the given collapsible to the component. The new collapsible will be added after existing ones. Do not use this method to completely fill the component, for that use setCollapsibles instead.


Type Name Description Required
collapsible collapsible The collapsible to add Required

Returns void


Sets all the collapsible of this component at once, possibly replacing existing ones.


Type Name Description Required
collapsible[] collapsibles The collapsibles to set Required

Returns void


Toggles the state of the collapsible at the given index or the first (and maybe only one) if no index is given. The collapsible array is 0 based.


Type Name Description Required
Number collapsibleIndex The index of the collapsible to toggle Optional

Returns void


Shows the content of the collapsible at the given index or the first (and maybe only one) if no index is given. The collapsible array is 0 based.


Type Name Description Required
Number collapsibleIndex The index of the collapsible to show Optional

Returns void


Hides the content of the collapsible at the given index or the first (and maybe only one) if no index is given. The collapsible array is 0 based.


Type Name Description Required
Number collapsibleIndex The index of the collapsible to hide Optional

Returns void


Removes the collapsible with the given ID. If the collapsible was showing a form, it will hide that form as well.


Type Name Description Required
Number collapsibleId The id of the collapsible to remove Required

Returns boolean; true if the collapsible with the given id was removed; false if collapsibleId is not given, not found or if the form shown by this collapsible denied hide.


Remove the collapsible with the given index (the index is 0 based) or the first collapsible if no collapsibleIndex is given. If the collapsible was showing a form, it will hide that form as well.


Type Name Description Required
Number collapsibleIndex The index of the collapsible to remove; if not given, the first collapsible is used Optional

Returns boolean; true if the collapsible at the give index (or 0 if not given) was removed; false if collapsibleIndex is out of bounds or if the form shown by this collapsible denied hide.


Removes all collapsibles. It will also hide the forms that are showing on any of the collpsibles. If one of the collapsibles has a form showing that denies hide, the removeAllCollapsibles operation will stop and return false. In this case, all collapsibles that had forms and were hidden so far will still be in the collapsible array but they will be 'collapsed'.

Params none

Returns boolean; true if all collapsibles were removed successfully; false if one of the collapsibles had a form which denied hide.

Custom styling

There are several CSS class selectors you can use for fine-grained styling of the collapse component.

element selector summary
.svy-collapse the root element; this is where the component's styleClass(es) is added when set
.svy-collapse-collapsible the collapsible container
.svy-collapse-header the container holding the header element; this is where the collapsible's headerStyleClass(es) is added when set
.svy-collapse-header-container the container holding the header content and collapse icon
.svy-collapse-header-container.collapsed the container holding the header content and collapse icon when collapsed
.svy-collapse-header-content the container holding the header content
.svy-collapse-header-icon the icon span
.svy-collapse-collapsible-container the container holding one or more collapsible cards
.svy-collapse-card-body the container holding a single card or form; this is where the collapsible's bodyStyleClass(es) is added when set
.svy-collapse-card-body-container the container holding the content of a single card; this is where a card's styleClass(es) is added when set

Example for this sample with component styleClass property set to 'questions' and the collapsible's headerStyleClass set to 'questions-header'

/* Remove margin between the cards */
.questions > div.svy-collapse-collapsible {
	margin-bottom: 0px;

/* make background light green when expanded and adjust borders */
.questions-header {
	background-color: #99DBCF;
	border-width: 1px 1px 0px 1px;
	border-color: #99DBCF;
	color: #000000;

/* make background white when collapsed and remove all borders */
.questions-header.collapsed {
	background-color: #ffffff;
	border-width: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
	color: #000000;