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Gabi edited this page Jun 29, 2020 · 4 revisions

Servoy extra components contains two tree components. The difference between the two is the model, the dbtreeview is based on foundset(s) while treeview is based on dataset.

DbTreeview shows multiple tree levels based on relation. From top foundset (datasource), one can show related nodes specified by a relation. Note that each relation is a database query , so for performance should not abuse the tree expand (from javascript). The tree works lazy and initializes data as requested.

Usual tree features are included, show a node checkbox, node image, tooltip, click callback, expand node... More information about model/api can be seen in Servoy Developer.

Tree properties

The component has one property, API should be used for everything else:

Property Type Default Description
jsDataSet dataset null Dataset that is the model of the tree. Each row in dataset represents a node in the tree. Dataset should have 4 columns: node id, parent node id (null in case of top nodes or another valid id), node text and icon media url

Instead of 'icon' it is possible to use 'fa-icon', in this case the values in the column should be FontAwesome classes, ex: 'fa fa-users'

Tree example

var treeviewDataSet = databaseManager.createEmptyDataSet( 0,  ['id', 'pid', 'treeColumn', 'icon']);
treeviewDataSet.addRow([1,		null,	'Main group',	'media:///group.png']);
treeviewDataSet.addRow([2,		null,	'Second group',	'media:///group.png']);
treeviewDataSet.addRow([3,		2,		'Subgroup',		'media:///group.png']);
treeviewDataSet.addRow([4,		3,		'Mark',			'media:///user.png']);
treeviewDataSet.addRow([5,		3,		'George',		'media:///user.png']);

Tree events

Event Params Return Description
onNodeClicked nodeID:object Fired when node in the tree is clicked.
onNodeExpanded nodeID:object Fired when node in the tree is expanded.
onNodeCollapsed nodeID:object Fired when node in the tree is collapsed.
onNodeSelected nodeID:object Fired when node in the tree is selected.

Tree API

Method Params Return Description
setDataSet jsDataSet:dataset Set jsDataset property, see above for detailed explanation about dataset structure.
refresh Refresh the tree display.
expandNode nodeID:object Expand a node in tree identified by its id.
isNodeExpanded nodeID:object boolean Returns if a node in tree is expanded. The node is identified by its id (given in dataset)
collapseNode nodeID:object Collapse a node in tree identified by its id.
setSelectionNode nodeID:object Sets selected node in the tree.
getSelectionNode object Gets selected node (id) in the tree.
getChildNodes nodeID:object object[] Gets child nodes of a parent node. Returns and array of child nodes.
getParentNode nodeID:object object Gets parent node id or null if top node.
getNodeLevel nodeID:object int Gets the level where a node is situated in the tree.
getRootNodes object[] Gets the top level nodes from the tree.
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