Releases: TRPG0/ArchipelagoULTRAKILL
Releases · TRPG0/ArchipelagoULTRAKILL
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 3.0.1
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 3.0.0
- Multiple levels can be chosen to start in, rather than just 0-1.
- Full list: 0-1, 0-2, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 2-1, 2-3, 3-1, 4-2
- Any level can be chosen to be the goal, including secret missions and prime sanctums.
- Any level and its locations can now easily be excluded from randomizer progression.
- In addition, prime sanctums are no longer always excluded.
- Weights can now be specified for how often each type of filler and trap item will appear.
- The odds of each starting weapon being chosen can now be customized.
- Depending on other options, some weapons may never be chosen.
- Added new powerup item: "Confusing Aura" - For 15 seconds, enemies will ignore the player and attack each other instead.
- Added new powerup item: "Quick Charge" - For 15 seconds, weapon ammo regeneration and charge rate is tripled.
- The "Empty Ammuntion" trap item has been renamed to "Weapon Malfunction", and now has the same effect of removing all ammo/charges for weapons, but for 15 seconds instead of just once.
- Added new trap item: "Hands-Free Mode" - Prevents the use of any arms for 15 seconds.
- Added new trap item: "Short-Term Sandstorm" - Covers all enemies in sand for 15 seconds.
- Randomizing skulls will now also include the Blue Skull in P-2.
- Fixed various logic issues. (I forgot most of them ¯\(ツ)/¯)
- Fixed the shop not updating correctly when viewed for the first time in a level.
- Fixed soap sometimes not spawning properly.
- The version a multiworld was generated with will now be displayed on the file select screen.
- Updated Archipelago.MultiClient.Net to
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 2.2.2
- Fixed a logic error for 5-2: Secret #1.
- Fixed The Cyber Grind soft locking when using Hint Mode to unlock hints for other game slots.
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 2.2.1
- Updated Archipelago.MultiClient.Net to
. - Fixed a logic error for 7-2: Secret Weapon.
- Fixed secret mission locations not being colored correctly in hint popups.
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 2.2.0
- Fixed item notifications not working on patch 15c.
- Fixed item notifications for other players not having colored text.
- Fixed shop item descriptions for other players accidentally being partially cut off at the beginning.
- Fixed skulls for 1-4 and 5-1 being duplicated when reconnecting to a server.
- Added "Switches pressed" and "Assembled Hank" to act stats.
- Skull icons on level select are slightly smaller.
- Added skull icons to pause menu.
- Added switch icons to level select and pause menu.
- Switches now use their own unique color.
- Firestarter can now be selected as a starting weapon in certain specific cases.
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 2.1.1
- Fixed "7-2: Secret Weapon" not being checked properly.
- Fixed incorrect logic for switches in 7-2.
- Fixed secondary fire indicator being visible for weapons that don't have one when using Classic HUD.
- Fixed text log not repositioning itself when using Classic HUD.
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 2.1.0
It has been over a year since the first version of Archipelago for ULTRAKILL! Thanks for playing :)
Note that games started on 2.0.7 or older will not be playable on this version. Finish your games in progress before updating.
- Various adjustments/improvements for logic in Prelude and Act I. [@KernRat] #13 #16
- All items are now remote.
- Added the Sawed-On, JumpStart, Firestarter, and alternate shotgun to randomizer.
- Added a visual for whether the secondary fire is unlocked for the currently held weapon.
- Added custom graphics for the secondary fire of the Piercer, Core Eject, Attractor, and Freezeframe.
- Secondary fire items now have unique icons.
- You can now choose for the revolver, shotgun, and nailgun to be in their default or alternate forms. The form that isn't chosen must be unlocked.
- The switches in the Limbo layer and in 7-2 can now be randomized.
- Clash Mode can now be randomized.
- Added an option for rewards for every room cleaned in 7-S.
- Added an option for rewards for giving Hank a head in 1-4 and 5-3.
- Added an option for a reward for winning chess against a bot in the Developer Museum.
- Added an option for a reward for winning the rocket race in the Developer Museum.
- Powerups will now wait until the timer starts before activating.
- Powerups will no longer activate in secret missions, the sandbox, or the Developer Museum.
- Added skull icons for secret missions.
- Fixed secret missions not ending properly.
- Fixed sometimes being able to use the Core Eject and Pump Charge even when they are not unlocked.
- Fixed soap immediately being held even when no arms are unlocked.
- Fixed not having any arms equipped in 5-S.
- The save slot menu will now display the name and number of locations checked for randomized slots.
- Added new death link messages.
- Added links to Thunderstore, Github, and the AP After Dark Discord in the options menu.
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 2.0.7
- Fixed to work on patch 15.
- Fixed sounds not playing when buying weapons from the shop.
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 2.0.6
- Fixed being unable to receive some items from other players after reconnecting to a server.
ArchipelagoULTRAKILL 2.0.5
- Fixed generation failing on newer Archipelago versions due to duplicate entrance names.
- Fixed no arm being equipped in 5-S.
- Fixed a bug that could immediately disconnect the player after connecting.