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acoox edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 10 revisions

First see Entity Component System.

An entity without components doesn't do much, but has some important functionality:

  • Entities have a position in the world, which is measured in metres. This is used for rendering and physics.
  • Entities have a scale which determines its size. This is used for rendering and physics.
  • Entities have an event system to communicate between components and entities. See Event System.

Entity lifecycle

The entity lifecycle can be seen in the figure below.

Note that create() is not called when the entity is instantiated through new Entity(), but when the entity is added into the world. This means we know that an entity doesn't do anything while we are still adding components to it, or before we've placed it in the game.

Entities can also be disabled or enabled during gameplay. While an entity is disabled, it won't draw on the screen or run any updates. This is very useful when an entity isn't needed right now but will be later, since it won't have to be created twice. You can also create entities ahead of time but leave them disabled until they're necessary.

Using Entities

To make an entity, just instantiate one and use addComponent() to add components to it. You can also use getComponent() to access the components on an entity. The entity then has to be registered with the Entity Service to be created.

public static void spawnPlayer()
  // Create entity
  Entity player = new Entity()
    .addComponent(new TextureRenderComponent("images/player.png"))
    .addComponent(new PlayerMovementComponent())
    .addComponent(new InventoryComponent())
    .addComponent(new CombatComponent());

  // Access components

  // Create in the world

Table of Contents


Game Design

User survey

Sprint 4

Eviction Menu and Win/lose Logic: Polishing tasks (Team 7)

Button Sounds and Ending Menu improve (Team 3)

Sound effect and Fixing the clue bug (Team 6)

Improvement of Enemy and Attack (Team 1)

Add Features When The Player Get Attacked and Overall UI Improvement (Team 8)

Sprint 1

Achievement System (Team 2)

Player Eviction Menu (Team 7)

Countdown Clock (Team 4)

Music (Team3)

Map (Team6)

Sprint 2

Player Eviction Menu (Team 7)

Character Design & Animation (Team 1)

Music (Team 3)

Inventory System and Consumables Items (Team 8)

Scenario design

Achievement System(team 2)

Storyline (Team 5)

Countdown Clock (Team 4)

Sprint 3

Ending Menu (Team 3)

NPC interaction (Team 2)

Win/lose Condition (Based on Eviction Menu) (Team 7)

Player Profile (Team 4)

Game Logo (Team 8)

Clue storage (Team 6)

Enemy Design and Attack (Team 1)

Scenario design for village(Team5)

Game design
Entities and Components

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling






Game Screens and Areas


Concurrency & Threading



MacOS Setup Guide

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