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Carter Hinsley edited this page Nov 8, 2015 · 13 revisions

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WooDNSword (WDNS) is a free, floating domain name system.

The WDNS stack consists of:

In contrast to traditional domain name systems, which are essentially composed entirely of decentralized registrars, requiring you to go through a time-consuming application and approval process for registering domain names, as well as user-facing resolver clients, WDNS' registrar is fully centralized, while still being optimized for decentralization through auxiliary means such as resource sharing, its registrant allows instantaneous domain name registration, and its clients experience no change, as the resolver clients are functionally equivalent.

Python prototype release

Due to project refactoring, the initial prototype of WooDNSword that was developed may be difficult to find; we have split the separate program codebases into different repositories. Our initial Python-based prototype release can be found from our woodnsword-registrar repository.

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