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PopHealth Troubleshooting Guide

peter li edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 7 revisions

The following guide assumes you have followed the instructions from the OSEHRA popHealth Installation Guide. You may need to adjust some of the commands below if you installed the popHealth application into another directory (this guide assumes /home/pophealth/popHealth), or configured popHealth to run in an environment other than production.

1. I can’t get popHealth to run in my browser after installation

After installing popHealth v5.0, please check if the following processes are running on the server, i.e., using Linux command “top”

  mongod, PassengerAgent, apache2, start_delayed_job

If any of the processes are missing, please make sure that the processes are started as specified in the installation guide. If the process can’t be started, please check the corresponding log files Log file for mongod: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log Log file for Passenger/apache2: /var/log/apache2/error.log (sudo access is required) Log file for start_delayed_job: /home/pophealth/popHealth/log/delayed.log Look in the log files for error messages that might indicate what is going on. If you need to ask for help from the popHealth Developer Group, having these log files can help others give you suggestions on what to try next.

2. I can’t login using userid: pophealth and password: pophealth

Run the following command:

bundle exec rake admin:create_admin_account RAILS_ENV=production

3. The browser display of popHealth application looks funny with all the text lined up to the top left of the screen

The popHealth application is built on Ruby on Rails, which requires that your assets (stylesheets/CSS and JavaScript) be precompiled before they will work properly. Run the following command:

rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/home/pophealth/popHealth

4. I can’t import a patient file

Things to check:

a. The start_delayed_job process is used to import patient file. Make sure that the start_delayed_job process is running.

b. Check the log file /home/pophealth/popHealth/log/delayed.log. It should say:

Job ImportArchiveJob (id=…) (queue=patient_import) RUNNING

Job ImportArchiveJob (id=…) (queue=patient_import) COMPLETED after x.xx

1 jobs processed at x.xx j/s, 0 failed

c. If you still can’t import file, check if it is a valid QRDA CAT-1 file by using the Cypress Validation Utility -

d. Or if it is a C-CDA file, please contact the popHealth Developer Group for support.

5. I can’t get measures to calculate

Get a known test patient with a known measure result from the Cypress test site - Settings for generating patient files: 2015 Edition, C2 and C3 types, unselect Duplicate Records, and 2016 or 2017 Bundle. Download a test QRDA CAT 1 zip file for the test measure and use it to import to popHealth.
Select the correct reporting period and the test the CMS measure on popHealth Dashboard.

a. Measure shows incorrect result - 0/0.

i. Make sure you have selected the correct reporting period. If you don’t know the reporting report for the patient, open up the individual QRDA CAT 1 patient file. Under the “Reporting Parameters” section, you should see the “Reporting period: …” item.

ii. Make sure you have selected the correct Provider, i.e., the “Practice” you used to import the patient file.

b. The dashboard shows a greyed out measure with indication of “LOADING…”, but nothing happens?

Make sure that the start_delayed_job process is running. If the process is running, check the log file /home/pophealth/popHealth/log/delayed.log to verify that the calculation job completed without any errors.

Job QME::MapReduce::MeasureCalculationJob (id=…) (queue=calculation) RUNNING

Job QME::MapReduce::MeasureCalculationJob (id=…) (queue=calculation) COMPLETED after x.xx

1 jobs processed at x.xx j/s, 0 failed

6. I get errors from Cypress Test after uploading the QRDA CAT 3 file

Please check the Cypress System Test to make sure that the popHealth config/popHealth.yml is initialize correctly for proper QRDA CAT 1 or 3 generation.

7. How do I use the popHealth API

Please check the following page on Getting Started with popHealth API

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