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V4.0.0 Release Note

petercyli edited this page Dec 9, 2016 · 11 revisions
  1. Provider search / Provide Tree Preference
  • Added option for 'Display Provider Tree on Dashboard' under Preferences on the 'Edit Account' page. Setting this option determines whether the Provider tree structure is displayed on the measure dashboard.
  • Added search bar in Providers page. Search bar functionality is similar to the measure search tool on the dashboard. User can search by any information available in the provider table.
  1. Supports flexible reporting period from dashboard
  • A date-picker on provider dashboards that allows the user to change the reporting period start-date and end-date. popHealth currently supports flexible reporting window.
  1. Upgrade HDS and QME to latest versions
  • Updated QME to 3.1.2 and HDS to 3.5.3.
  1. Measure Dashboard and Patient List Spreadsheet Export
  • User can download spreadsheet of their measure dashboard in addition to QRDA Cat 3
  • User can download spreadsheet of patients relative to a measure, i.e. outliers, numerators, denominators, etc.
  1. Added user profile and user deletion
  • Admin user can view a user's profile/information
  • Admin user can delete all non-admin users
  1. Updated HQMF2js Git link to Project Tacoma
  • Linked HQMF2js to Project Tacoma repository
  1. Multiple practice functionality and role based access
  • 'Practice Mode' option

    • Initial application configuration needs to be set from config/pophealth.yml
    • 'use_opml_structure' set to false by default to use the Practice mode. Setting this to 'true' will give the original v3 mode with the provider OPML hierarchy structure.
  • Functionality

    • Three distinct roles - Admin, Staff, and Providers
    • Administrator can create multiple 'practices' or sites within the same instance of popHealth
    • Administrator can upload patient files specific to a practice
    • Administrator can assign a Practice to one or more 'staff' user through the Administrator/Users page
    • Administrator can assign a Provider (from a specific Practice) to a user with a valid NPI, provided a provider with the same NPI exists in the database.
    • A Staff user when signed in can only see providers and patients for the practice the user is assigned
    • A Provider user when signed in can only see patients for the Provider they are assigned (within the specific Practice)
  • Workflow

    • Create Practice from the Admin/Practices page

    • (Given that a staff user has registered) Navigate to Admin/Users and assign the practice to the user from the drop-down selection (click OK on dialog)

    • To upload patients for that practice, navigate to Admin/Patients, and select the Practice from the drop-down list. Then choose a zip file using the 'Choose File' option, and upload a patient zip file. Click OK to confirm on the dialog window.

    • To assign a Provider to a user, given the user has registered, navigate to Admin/Patients, and select the Provider from the drop-down list for that user.

      • When the Staff user signs into their account, they will see a dashboard for their practice
      • When the Provider user signs into their account, they will see a dashboard for that specific Provider
  1. Patient record update logic
  • Uploading same patients (with the sme MRN) will update clinical data for all sections
  • Added Social History data elements to patient chart
  • Fix import bug for null provider information in the XML
  1. Appropriately handle when practices have no provider
  • Fixed use case where Practices have no providers in multi practice mode
  1. Aggregate measure calculation - practice mode
  • Main changes (applicable when configured to use Practice Mode)
  • User can view aggregate measure calculation (only the percentage) across all organizations/patients in the popHealth system. To view aggregate, click the 'Show Aggregate Result' button on top of the left panel in the dashboard home page.
  • The on/off state of the 'Show Aggregate Result' button will be saved as the user's preference.
  • The aggregate measure will only calculate if the 'Show Aggregate Measure' button on the dashboard is selected/turned on.
  • Format measure results numbers with digit group/comma separators e.g. 12,345
  • Sort patient list by last name then first name
  • Add provider's patient count to main dashboard page
  • Use practice ID as a suffix for patient MRN internally. Will format patient MRN's in patient list page and patient profile page to only show original MRN.
  • Text to show 'Loading' for measure calculation
  • Remove Providers button in Admin - Practices page
  1. Added mailer config and new bundle workaround
  • Added mailer configuration file. To have a working mailer for password reset/forgot password emails, set the following parameters in the file config/initializers/email.rb

    • SMTP settings - address, port, domain, username, password, and authentication method.
    • URL and port # for your popHealth installation
  • Added a parameter in config/popHealth.yml - 'use_new_bundle_workaround'. The new measure bundles (> 3.5.0) are not always compatible with popHealth's measure calculations; because of some reporting period filter issues with provider performance data, patients are not always included in measure calculations. Setting this variable to 'true' during installation/setup will adjust the QRDA/CCDA import to make sure all the patients uploaded are included in measure calculations properly.

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