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Rhodonite is a web3D library written in TypeScript.
It employs a component-oriented design, which is also seen in the Unity game engine. By having entities, which are entities in the 3D space, carry various components, "objects" are given functions.
A component is a minimal unit of various functions that gives an "object" capabilities, and is represented by a TypeScript class.
Components, which are the unit of functionality, are mounted on entities, which are the containers, to increase their functionality.
This approach is superior to classical class inheritance programming in terms of flexibility and code maintainability. It is the predominant design approach in today's game engines.
Each member variable of Rhodonite's component classes is memory contiguous.
Rhodonite first obtains a huge ArrayBuffer memory pool and assigns memory from that pool to each field member of the component. Each field member is memory contiguous across entities (potentially taking other memory layouts), which helps improve CPU cache memory hit rates.
In addition, this huge memory pool can be sent to the GPU as textures all at once before rendering, and multiple meshes can be drawn as instances for fast scene rendering. The shaders obtain the location and material information from the texture where each entity is drawn. This is called the blittable memory architecture in Rhodonite.
In WebGL, updating uniform variables is always a major performance bottleneck. The blittable memory architecture avoids this bottleneck by sending all data to the GPU at once as a texture without using setUniform.
This mechanism provides particularly high performance when a large number of geometry batches must be drawn (instance drawing) with a relatively small number of polygons. Even in the case of non-instance rendering, the system avoids heavy setUniform-type processing, resulting in higher performance in many cases than with normal rendering methods.
It is also suitable for cases where shaders must access complex and large amounts of data, such as in games.
The following Listing 1-1 shows the minimum code for polygon display in Rhodonite at this time.
async function main() {
// Rhodonite initialization. Specify the drawing processing method (Uniform in this case) and the canvas to draw to
await Rn.System.init({
approach: Rn.ProcessApproach.Uniform,
canvas: document.getElementById('world')
// Creation of Component-loaded Entity
const firstEntity = Rn.EntityHelper.createMeshEntity();
// create vertex data
const indices = new Float32Array([
0, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2
const positions = new Float32Array([
-1.5, -0.5, 0.0,
-0.5, -0.5, 0.0,
-0.5, 0.5, 0.0,
-1.5, 0.5, 0.0
const colors = new Float32Array([
0.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1.0, 1.0, 0.0,
1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 1.0
// Create Primitive object with vertex data
const primitive = Primitive.createPrimitive({
indices: indices,
attributeSemantics: [VertexAttribute.Position.XYZ, VertexAttribute.Color0.XYZ],
attributes: [positions, colors],
material: void 0,
primitiveMode: PrimitiveMode.Triangles
// Add Primitive to Entity's Mesh component
const meshComponent = firstEntity.getMesh();
const mesh = new Rn.Mesh();
// Drawing.
// The existence of Entity is known internally by Rhodonite when it is created, so there is no need for the programmer to explicitly register Entity in the system.
const draw = function(time) {
List 1-1
The design of the Primitive class is designed to conceptually fit the glTF2 format.