Superseded by SpectralInference.jl
This version is being kept as an archived version that was used for our initial paper
] dev [email protected]:aramanlab/SPI.jl.git
into the julia command line
using SPI
M = rand(100, 100)
usv = svd(M) # from linear algebra
spimtx = calc_spi_mtx(usv; alpha=1.5, q=0.75)
spitree = hclust(spimtx; linkage=:average, branchorder=:optimal) # hclust from Clustering
# or in one line
SPIresult = spiresult(M)
# with result having these fields
# SPIresult.usv, SPIresult.spimtx, SPIresult.spitree
example script for running SPI on a gene expression matrix in a .csv
# Example SPI code for gene expression matrix in .csv format (genes = rows, cells = columns)
# Ben Doran / Noah Gamble
# 2022/04/13
# Load packages
using SPI
using CSV, DataFrames
using LinearAlgebra
using Clustering
using Muon
using JLD2
# Load matrix as data frame from .csv
df ="/path/to/geneexpressionmatrix.csv", DataFrame)
# Copy to matrix
m = Matrix(df[:,2:end]) #
filt_thresh = 10
b = (m .> 0)
idx_keep = vec(sum(b, dims = 2) .> filt_thresh)
m = m[idx_keep,:]
# Organize into annotated data object
adata = AnnData(X = m')
adata.obs_names .= names(df)[2:end]
adata.var_names .= string.(df.Column1[idx_keep])
@info size(adata.X)
# Perform SVD
@info "Peforming SVD..."
@time usv = svd(adata.X)
# Perform SPI
@info "Calculating SPI matrix..."
@time dij = calc_spi_mtx(usv)
# Cluster to tree
@info "Clustering SPI matrix..."
@time spitree = hclust(dij; linkage=:average, branchorder=:optimal)
# Converting to Newick string
@info "Converting to Newick string..."
@time nwtreestring = nwstr(spitree, adata.obs_names.vals)
# Add SPI matrix to adata object
@info "Adding SPI matrix to ADATA..."
adata.obsp["SPI_mtx"] = dij
adata.obs[:,"order"] = spitree.order
adata.uns["cellmerges"] = spitree.merges
adata.uns["heights"] = spitree.heights
adata.uns["treelinkage"] = string(spitree.linkage)
adata.uns["newicktreestring"] = nwtreestring
# Write annotated data to and Newick tree to disk
@info "Writing results to disk..."
@time begin
writeh5ad("spi_test.h5ad", adata)
open("test_tree.nw.txt", "w") do io
println(io, nwtreestring)
jldsave("test_tree.jld2"; spitree)
for the relevant reference(s).