Releases: aramanlab/SpectralInference.jl
v0.1.0 Preprint
Version of library used for preprint analysis of Doran et al. 2023
SpectralInference v0.4.1
Large update changing name of the package to SpectralInference
Change Log:
Updated docs and added some additional ("rough draft") example scripts for calculating bootstrap support values on the spectral tree and calculating MI across the spectral tree.
API changes:
calc_spi_mtx => spectraldistances
calc_spi_trace => spectraldisances_trace
calc_spcorr_mtx => spectralcorrelations
nwstr => newickstring
minspaceneeded => distancetrace_spaceneeded
spimtx_spaceneeded => distancematrix_spaceneeded
Other changes:
Used new feature of Julia 1.9 to add package extension for NewickTree
, to negate the need for loading NewickTreeTools
when working with trees. using SpectralInference, NewickTree
automatically loads these functions for working with trees:
function getleafnames end
function network_distance end
function network_distances end
function patristic_distance end
function patristic_distances end
function fscore_precision_recall end
function cuttree end
function mapinternalnodes end
function maplocalnodes end
function collectiveLCA end
function as_polytomy! end
function as_polytomy end
function pairedMI_across_treedepth end
function clusters_per_cutlevel end
function ladderize! end
function spectral_lineage_encoding end
Added precompile workloads. So the first time installing the package may be a little slower, but the first time using the functions should generally be faster.