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Chris dibona problem interview

luke crouch edited this page Nov 3, 2013 · 1 revision

Problem Interview w/ Chris DiBona, Google

Job Title: Direct of Open Source

Company: Google

Company size: 43,000; 22 in group

In-house developers: group: 14 devs

In-house open-source devs: all of them

Open-source projects used: more than thousands

Budget for open-source: it’s complicated;

How do you decide to buy open-source software?

Do you use open-source on projects with tight, frequent deadlines?

Problem ranking:

Other problems:

quick feedback

As a world, as a species we have gone down this road at no less than 10 companies.

Eventually someone will do this and it will work

I’m not convinced that this will ever work for anything more than fits and starts

CollabNet, SourceForge, etc.

we have no problem going to a project and just giving money to them and saying “make this better.”

people accepting code written on a bounty

5% gets you a drink at Starbucks

open-source works when people are willing to pay you to run your project inside a company

then it got weird