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luke crouch edited this page Oct 26, 2013 · 6 revisions

Bottom-line (on top)

Customer Lifetime Value - Customer Acquisition Cost

Average Recurring Revenue / Customer / Month

"Blocking & Tackling" metrics

Inspired by Lean Analytics "One Metric That Matters" and in turn by Dave McClure's "Pirate Metrics"


Traffic sources and campaign effectiveness


  • % of visitors who sign up
  • % of users who opt-in to a newsletter
  • % of newsletter recipients who unsubscribe


Engagement (Peter Yared post on "Little Data")

  • Time since last visit
  • Time since last bid
  • Time until user closes account


  • Viral coefficient: invitation rate * acceptance rate
  • Viral cycle time: first invite sent datetime - join datetime


  • Ask price / bid
  • Offer price / bid
  • Seller allocation / bid
  • Project allocation / bid
  • codesy allocation / bid


  • Uptime
  • Performance (New Relic)
  • Errors (Sentry)

Two-sided Market metrics

Straight out of Lean Analytics

Two-sided Market Diagram


  • Bids created (on new issues, on existing issues)
  • Bids matched
  • Bidded issues merged/closed
  • Match notifications sent
  • Match notifications opened
  • Match notifications clicked
  • Claim notifications sent
  • Claim notifications opened
  • Claim notifications clicked