Releases: cyberbotics/AROSYS
Releases · cyberbotics/AROSYS
Version 1.1.0
Provides a functional interface between Webots and Smartsoft for a wide number of robots and sensors.
Includes the following components:
- ComponentWebots.
- ComponentWebotsRobot.
- ComponentWebotsBumper.
- ComponentWebotsLidar.
Includes the following systems:
- SystemLaserObstacleAvoidTiagoWebotsSimulator.
- SystemLaserObstacleAvoidP3dxWebotsSimulator.
- SystemWebotsMultiRobots
- SystemWebotsPioneer3DXNavigation.
- SystemWebotsRobotino3Navigation.
- SystemWebotsTiagoNavigation
Version 1.0.0
Provides a functional interface between Webots and Smartsoft for a limited number of robots and sensors.
Includes the following components:
- ComponentWebots.
- ComponentWebotsBumper.
- ComponentWebotsLidar.
- ComponentWebotsPioneer3DX.
- ComponentWebotsRobotino3.
- ComponentWebotsTIAGo.
Includes the following systems:
- SystemLaserObstacleAvoidTiagoWebotsSimulator.
- SystemLaserObstacleAvoidP3dxWebotsSimulator.
- SystemWebotsPioneer3DXNavigation.
- SystemWebotsRobotino3Navigation.
- SystemWebotsTiagoNavigation