This package provides a tidy R interface to the bsts forecasting procedure using fable. This package makes use of the bsts package for R.
While the BSTS()
function works in the fable::model()
not all functionality from the package has been implemented.
- Stationary and non-stationary trend models
- Regression, trigonometric and monthly-annual cycle seasonal models
- Holiday models
- Exogenous regressors
- User-specified priors
# library(tidyverse)
# source("data-raw/lax_passengers.R")
# data <- lax_passengers %>%
# mutate(date = yearmonth(date))
# data %>%
# fabletools::model(
# bsts = BSTS(passengers ~ intercept() + ar() + seasonal("1 day"))
# ) %>%
# fabletools::forecast(h = 48) %>%
# autoplot()
- static intercept modelsar()
- autoregressive modelslevel()
- local and shared level modelstrend()
- local linear, semilocal linear and Student local linear modelsseasonal()
- seasonal regression modelstrig()
- trigonometric seasonality models