A link to my first computer graphics assignment in COMP3490. This assignment tasked us with creating a render engine in Processing with only direct OpenGL calls. We were required to understand the full graphics pipeline including:
- Rasterization
- Raster vs. vector graphics
- Orthographic, perspective, and isometric projections
- The MVP matrix and how it works
- Normalized device coordinates
- Aspect ratios
- View frustums
- The matrix stack
- 3D object parameterizations
- Face vertex windings
- Polygon collision methods
- Normals
- Backface culling
- Many common linear algebra concepts
- Phong lighting
- Gouraud shading
- Object texturing
- UV mapping
- Homogeneous coordinate systems
This first assignment uses a lot of these concepts to implement a working graphics pipeline.
To test, open the Assign1Handout.pde file, and press play. You can see all demo controls at the top of the Modes.pde file!