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Merge pull request #1 from dynamicslab/wake-model
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Wake model
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jcallaham authored Feb 24, 2022
2 parents 7717a05 + 38cf7b7 commit 3546829
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions mean-field-model/
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# Symmetry-breaking model

Code and data to reproduce key results from "An empirical mean-field model of symmetry-breaking in a turbulent wake" by J. L. Callaham, G. Rigas, J.-C. Loiseau, and S. L. Brunton (2022)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions mean-field-model/data/.gitattributes
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions mean-field-model/data/monte_carlo.mat
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3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions mean-field-model/data/order_parameters.mat
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Package to solve Fokker-Planck equations
* Steady-state Fourier-space solver for the PDF
- Galerkin projection for 1D/2D
- Arnoldi iteration for higher dimensions (slower but easier to scale)
* Adjoint finite difference solver for first/second moments
Jared Callaham (2020)

import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, fftn, fftfreq, ifftn
from scipy import linalg, sparse

from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator, eigs
import utils

class SteadyFP:
Solver object for steady-state Fokker-Planck equation
Initializing this independently avoids having to re-initialize all of the indexing arrays
for repeated loops with different drift and diffusion
Jared Callaham (2020)

def __init__(self, x, ndim=1, method=None):
ndim - number of dimensions
N - array of ndim ints: grid resolution N[0] x N[1] x ... x N[ndim-1]
dx - grid spacing (array of floats)
method - Galerkin or Arnoldi
if not selected, defaults to Galerkin for ndim < 3, Arnoldi otherwise
self.ndim = ndim

if (method is None) and (ndim < 3):
method = "galerkin"
elif (method is None):
method = "arnoldi"

if self.ndim == 1:
self.N = len(x)
self.dx = x[1]-x[0]
self.x = x
self.k = 2*np.pi*fftfreq(self.N, self.dx)
self.x = x
self.N = [len(x[i]) for i in range(len(x))]
self.dx = [x[i][1]-x[i][0] for i in range(len(x))]
self.k = [2*np.pi*fftfreq(self.N[i], self.dx[i]) for i in range(self.ndim)]
self.KK = np.meshgrid(*self.k, indexing='ij')

if method=="arnoldi":
self.solve = self.arnoldi_solve
elif method=="galerkin":
self.solve = self.galerkin_solve
print("Not implemented")

def FP_operator(self, p, f, a):
Linear Fokker-Planck operator with functions for f and a
q = L*p

p = np.reshape(p, self.N)
q = np.sum(np.array([ ifft(-1j*self.KK[d]*fft(f[d]*p, axis=d) - self.KK[d]**2*fft(a[d]*p, axis=d), axis=d)
for d in range(self.ndim) ]), axis=0)
return q.flatten()

def arnoldi_operator(self, f, a):
self.L = LinearOperator((,,
matvec=lambda p: self.FP_operator(p, f, a))

def arnoldi_solve(self, f, a):
Solve Fokker-Planck equation from input drift/diffusion coefficients
Higher-dimensional version using Arnoldi iteration to estimate leading eigenvector
self.arnoldi_operator(f, a)

evals, evecs = eigs(self.L, k=1, which="LR")
p_sol = np.reshape( np.real(evecs[:, 0]), self.N)
p_sol /= utils.ntrapz(p_sol, self.dx)
return p_sol

def galerkin_init(self):
# Set up indexing matrices for ndim=1, 2
if self.ndim == 1:
self.k = 2*np.pi*fftfreq(self.N, self.dx)
self.idx = np.zeros((self.N, self.N), dtype=np.int32)
for i in range(self.N):
self.idx[i, :] = i-np.arange(self.N)

elif self.ndim == 2:
# Fourier frequencies
self.k = [2*np.pi*fftfreq(self.N[i], self.dx[i]) for i in range(self.ndim)]
self.idx = np.zeros((2, self.N[0], self.N[1], self.N[0], self.N[1]), dtype=np.int32)

for m in range(self.N[0]):
for n in range(self.N[1]):
self.idx[0, m, n, :, :] = m-np.tile(np.arange(self.N[0]), [self.N[1], 1]).T
self.idx[1, m, n, :, :] = n-np.tile(np.arange(self.N[1]), [self.N[0], 1])


def galerkin_operator(self, f, a):
f - array of drift coefficients on domain (ndim x N[0] x N[1] x ... x N[ndim])
a - array of diffusion coefficients on domain (ndim x N[0] x N[1] x ... x N[ndim])
NOTE: To generalize to covariate noise, would need to add a dimension to a

if self.ndim == 1:
f_hat = self.dx*fftn(f)
a_hat = self.dx*fftn(a)

# Set up spectral projection operator
self.L = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', -1j*self.k, f_hat[self.idx]) \
+ np.einsum('i,ij->ij', -self.k**2, a_hat[self.idx])

# KEEP FOR REFERENCE: naive implementation with N^4 loops (~3:30 for N=64, ~14s for N=32)
A = np.zeros((Nx, Ny, Nx, Ny), dtype=np.complex64)
# First two loops are over projected variables (k')
for m in range(Nx):
for n in range(Ny):
# Then loop over k
for i in range(Nx):
for j in range(Ny):
A[m, n, i, j] = -1j*(kx[m]*f_hat[0, m-i, n-j] + ky[n]*f_hat[1, m-i, n-j])
A[m, n, i, j] -= (kx[m]**2*a_hat[0, m-i, n-j] + ky[n]**2*a_hat[1, m-i, n-j])
if self.ndim == 2:
# Initialize Fourier transformed coefficients
f_hat = np.zeros(np.append([self.ndim], self.N), dtype=np.complex64)
a_hat = np.zeros(f_hat.shape, dtype=np.complex64)
for i in range(self.ndim):
f_hat[i] =*fftn(f[i])
a_hat[i] =*fftn(a[i])

self.L = -1j*np.einsum('i,ijkl->ijkl', self.k[0], f_hat[0, self.idx[0], self.idx[1]]) \
-1j*np.einsum('j,ijkl->ijkl', self.k[1], f_hat[1, self.idx[0], self.idx[1]]) \
-np.einsum('i,ijkl->ijkl', self.k[0]**2, a_hat[0, self.idx[0], self.idx[1]]) \
-np.einsum('j,ijkl->ijkl', self.k[1]**2, a_hat[1, self.idx[0], self.idx[1]])

self.L = np.reshape(self.L, (,

def galerkin_solve(self, f, a):
Solve Fokker-Planck equation from input drift coefficients
Fourier-Galerkin projection for fast solving in 1 or 2 dimensions
self.galerkin_operator(f, a)

q_hat = np.linalg.lstsq(self.L[1:, 1:], -self.L[1:, 0], rcond=1e-6)[0]
q_hat = np.append([1], q_hat)
return np.real(ifftn( np.reshape(q_hat, self.N) ))/

class AdjFP:
Solver object for adjoint Fokker-Planck equation
Jared Callaham (2020)

def unit(N, idx):
Construct an n-dimensional "unit matrix"
where the only nonzero element is given by idx
# Here idx should be a linear idx (output will be reshaped to matrix)
e = np.zeros(
e[idx] = 1
return np.reshape(e, N)

def deriv1(u, dx, axis=0, bc="extrapolate"):
First derivative of u
Extrapolated boundary conditions
u = n-dimensional array
dx = n-length delta-x values
dim = dimension to differentiate
bc - boundary conditions
u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) # Move so that the axis being differentiated is first
du = np.zeros_like(u)

du[1:-1] = (u[2:]-u[:-2]) # Centered

if bc=="extrapolate":
du[0] = -3*u[0]+4*u[1]-u[2]
du[-1] = 3*u[-1]-4*u[-2]+u[-3]
elif bc=="dirichlet":
du[0] = np.ones_like(u[0])
du[-1] = np.ones_like(u[-1])
raise NotImplementedError

u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis) # Move axis back
du = np.moveaxis(du, 0, axis)/(2*dx[axis])
return du

def deriv2(u, dx, axis=0, bc="extrapolate"):
Second derivative of u
Extrapolated boundary conditions
u = n-dimensional array
dx = n-length delta-x values
dim = dimension to differentiate
u = np.moveaxis(u, axis, 0) # Move so that the axis being differentiated is first
du = np.zeros_like(u)

du[1:-1] = (u[2:]-2*u[1:-1]+u[:-2]) # Centered

if bc=="extrapolate":
du[0] = 2*u[0]-5*u[1]+4*u[2]-u[3]
du[-1] = 2*u[-1]-5*u[-2]+4*u[-3]-u[-4]
elif bc=="dirichlet":
du[0] = np.ones_like(u[0])
du[-1] = np.ones_like(u[-1])
raise NotImplementedError

u = np.moveaxis(u, 0, axis) # Move axis back to original location
du = np.moveaxis(du, 0, axis)/(dx[axis]**2)
return du

def fd_op(N, dx, deriv, axis, bc="extrapolate"):
Compute sparse derivative operator by evaluating finite-differences on "unit matrices"
deriv - finite-differencing function (deriv1 or deriv2)
axis - axis along which to differentiate
row_idx = []
col_idx = []
entries = []

for k in range(
col = deriv(AdjFP.unit(N, k), dx, axis=axis, bc=bc).flatten() # "Unit vector"
cur_idx = np.flatnonzero(col)
row_idx = np.concatenate([row_idx, cur_idx])
col_idx = np.concatenate([col_idx, k*np.ones_like(cur_idx)]) # Current column for entries
entries = np.concatenate([entries, col[cur_idx]])

D = sparse.coo_matrix((entries, (row_idx, col_idx)), shape=(,
return sparse.csc_matrix(D)

def __init__(self, x, ndim=1, method="step"):
x - uniform grid (array of floats)
self.ndim = ndim

if self.ndim == 1:
self.N = [len(x)]
self.dx = [x[1]-x[0]]
self.x = [x]
self.x = x
self.N = [len(x[i]) for i in range(len(x))]
self.dx = [x[i][1]-x[i][0] for i in range(len(x))]

# Precompute and store sparse finite-difference matrices

# Compute grid
self.XX = np.meshgrid(*self.x, indexing='ij')
self.XX = [XX.flatten() for XX in self.XX]

if method=="step":
self.solve = self.step_solve # Euler time-stepping
elif method=="exp":
self.solve = self.exp_solve # Matrix exponential

def precompute_matrices(self):
self.Dx = [AdjFP.fd_op(self.N, self.dx, AdjFP.deriv1, axis) for axis in range(self.ndim)]
self.Dxx = [AdjFP.fd_op(self.N, self.dx, AdjFP.deriv2, axis) for axis in range(self.ndim)]

def precompute_operator(self, f, a):
if self.ndim==1:
f, a = [f], [a]
self.L = np.sum([ sparse.diags(f[i]) @ self.Dx[i] + sparse.diags(a[i]) @ self.Dxx[i]
for i in range(self.ndim)])

def exp_solve(self, tau, dt=None, d=0):
Solve with matrix exponential
if self.L is None:
print("Need to initialize operator")
return None

L_tau = linalg.expm(self.L.todense()*tau)

w1 = L_tau @ self.XX[d]
w2 = L_tau @ self.XX[d]**2

f_tau = (w1 - self.XX[d])/tau
a_tau = (w2 - 2*self.XX[d]*w1 + self.XX[d]**2)/(2*tau)

return f_tau, a_tau

def step_solve(self, tau, dt, d=0):
Solve with forward Euler time-stepping
# Evolve observables (zero-centered moments)
w1 = self.XX[d].copy()
w2 = self.XX[d].copy()**2
for i in range(int(tau//dt)):
w1 += dt*(self.L @ w1)
w2 += dt*(self.L @ w2)

# Evaluate finite-time moments for drift/diffusion
f_tau = (w1 - self.XX[d])/tau
a_tau = (w2 - 2*self.XX[d]*w1 + self.XX[d]**2)/(2*tau)
return f_tau, a_tau


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