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Contributing BuildingRailo
#Building from source
This is documentation supplied by the community - the official build documentation can be found at - https://github.com/getrailo/railo
Before you start building Railo from source, you are going to need a few things installed on your machine:
- Eclipse for JEE - this is the easiest Eclipse bundle to work with when building Java projects http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-ee-developers/heliosr
- Java 5 JDK - not just the JRE (because you're going to be compiling Java code) - and not Java 6! Railo requires Java 5 to build correctly! (CHECK)
- A Git client, any client will do. The demo here will be using the command line client to keep it simple http://git-scm.com/. There is also the EGit plugin for Eclipse for you to commit your changes locally and create patch files for submission http://www.eclipse.org/egit/
- A running Railo installation in which to test your new patch file http://www.getrailo.org/index.cfm/download/
The main way to get the code for Railo is to clone it with git. So at a command line (or using your favourite client) clone the source of the project into a folder on your computer:
git clone git://github.com/getrailo/railo.git
after a little while you should see something like:
Cloning into railo...
remote: Counting objects: 11038, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4138/4138), done.
remote: Total 11038 (delta 7162), reused 10404 (delta 6612)
Receiving objects: 100% (11038/11038), 59.48 MiB | 639 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7162/7162), done.
That's it! you have downloaded all the source code for Railo!
Currently we build Railo with JDK5, so you need to setup Eclipse to use that JVM as default. You can do this by going to:
Eclipse (or Window on Windows) -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs
Here you can click "Add..." to add the JRE 5 and select the checkbox to make it your default.
Note: On OSX this will be under "/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home"
Start up Eclipse, if you haven't already, and go to the menu
File -> Import... -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace...
Select the root folder where you cloned the source and Eclipse should find the following projects:
Railo Source
Click finish and you now should have all your projects nicely imported into your Eclipse workspace.
Now that you have imported the projects you will see some exclamation marks next to each project, we shall go and fix those as follows:
- Right click on Railo-Core -> Build Path -> Configure Build Path... you should see a number of errors in the Libraries tab
- Select all the erroneous paths (about 92) since they are missing, and Remove them. Making sure not to remove the JRE System Library
- We shall now re-add the Jars. Click on Add External Jars... and select the path to /railo-java/libs and select all the jar files click ok, and click ok again.
- Repeat the process above for the Railo-Loader project
There might also be under "Libraries" an entry that says 'JRE System Library [1.5.0] unbound' which you will need to remove and click "Add Library..." select a JRE System Library and select the "Workspace default JRE (JVM 1.50)" which we added in step 3.
Now that we have the projects imported we need to set the build version for our brand new version of Railo. To do this you need to edit the following file in the Railo-Core project:
At the point of writing, the Info.ini looks like:
release-date=2010/07/22 00:00:00
So for this example, we are going to change the number entry to: [version] number=
As you create new builds of Railo you will want to be increase the version number so you can see which patches you have applied.
As part of the build process we need to setup an instance of Railo (as mentioned previously in the requirements). This example uses the railo- that you can obtain from http://www.getrailo.org/index.cfm/download/ which is using the Jetty server. You can use the appropriate express version for your OS.
Once unzipped, open "/railo-" and change: /webroot/ to point to the directory where the Railo-CFML project is, for example: /Users/markdrew/Projects/railo/railo-cfml/
Start the server by either double clicking on start or start.bat files.
Log into the Railo Administrator by going to: http://localhost:8888/railo-context/admin/web.cfm and set a password
Edit /Railo-Core/build.properties to add the URL of our compile script: railo.url=http://localhost:8888/compileAdmin.cfm
Open up the Railo Source project and right click on "build.xml" and select: Run As > Ant Build This will kick of the process of building your patch file and will take a few seconds, if all goes well you will get something like:
Total time: 24 seconds
Right-click on the Railo-Core project and select "Refresh", you should now see a new folder called "dist" with file inside called "" (or whatever the version number you setup in Info.ini). Well done! This is your patch file that you can apply to your server!
Now that you have your patch file, all you have to do is copy it from the "railo/railo-java/railo-core/dist" folder to your current running Railo server, to the folder "your-railo-server/lib/railo-server/patches" and restart the server.
Once you have restarted, if you go to the web or server administrator you should see:
Version Railo final
Well done! You have now built Railo!
If you have modified the code and want to submit a patch, you should post your issues at the JIRA bug tracker: https://jira.jboss.org/browse/RAILO
There are some problems on OS X Snow Leopard, especially when dealing with the fact that you don't actually have Java 1.5.0 which is required to build the source, there are work rounds for this, see: http://chxor.chxo.com/post/183013153/installing-java-1-5-on-snow-leopard
Download the official Java package from Apple, ?Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 7? dated May 18, 2010.
Then use the excellent shareware utility Pacifist to open the downloaded JavaForMacOSX10.5Update4.pkg file.
How to install
- First use Finder to go to System > Library > Frameworks > JavaVM.framework > Versions and delete the two aliases (symlinks) >?1.5? and ?1.5.0?. Don?t skip this step, because otherwise the extraction will follow the symlinks and overwrite the contents of the 1.6.0 folder, oops.
- In Pacifist, drill down into Contents > System > Library > Frameworks > JavaVM.framework > Versions.
- In Pacifist, select 1.5 and 1.5.0, right-click, and chose Install to Default Location
Also if you get an error like: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load 32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:182) at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(Library.java:159)
see http://www.agynamix.de/blog/run-32bit-swt-apps-from-eclipse-in-snow-leopard/
Users of Ubuntu (and likely other Linux distros) will likely need to work around the fact that the Ubuntu repositories no longer contain Java 5 AKA 1.5, only Java 6. One such workaround (from http://leonardo-pinho.blogspot.com/2010/11/java-15-no-ubuntu-1010.html):
# add the Hardy repositories
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy multiverse"
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-updates multiverse"
# update available software
sudo apt-get update
# install Java 1.5
sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk
- Getting to know Railo Server
- Railo Server features & specifications
- Getting started with Railo Server
- Installation & configuration
- Railo Server Versions
- Developing with Railo Server
- Deploying Railo Server apps
- Managing Railo Server apps
- Railo Server Extensions
- Useful resources & further reading
- Developing & debugging Railo Server
- FAQs