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Mark Drew edited this page May 30, 2012 · 1 revision

What's fixed in Railo 3.3

In this release over 240 bugs have been fixed or features introduced. Just check them out.

RAILO-571 - IsUserInAnyRole() compatibility error
RAILO-639 - Moving a file to a destination that already exists (ie overwriting) always f
RAILO-893 - CFCPOP fails with attached files that have special chars in the filename
RAILO-1145 - named cflock with readonly ignores exclusive cflock with same name
RAILO-1513 - cfhttp using post with cfhttpheader of type=file does not behave the same as
RAILO-1514 - Component search not relative to the extending cfc in the extended component
RAILO-1517 - Mura/ColdSpring timeout occurred on a exclusive lock with name [bean_*.bean_ |- |]RAILO-1518 - cflock name is case-senstive
RAILO-1519 - CFDIRECTORY StoreACL - Compatibility with ColdFusion
RAILO-1483 - cfcollection does not support engine attribute
RAILO-1484 - convert literal defintion for "cfparam-default" with "cfparam-type" if possi
RAILO-1485 - onMissingMethod() does not preserve the case of methodName
RAILO-1486 - JSON serialization and deserialization produces a date format that doesn't p
RAILO-1499 - UTF-8 path name
RAILO-1501 - Miss Spelling in Debug
RAILO-1502 - Various typos in Memory section of server admin
RAILO-68 - Admin setting "Whitespace Management" overrides local <cfprocessingdirective |- | autocommit="true&#13;&#10;|-&#13;&#10;|"></cfprocessingdirective |- |>Form
RAILO-951 - ormSettings.autoManageSession
RAILO-954 - orm: add config attr skipCFCWithError
RAILO-1148 - orm - EntityNew( name, [memento]) is not supported
RAILO-1152 - orm - dropCreate Not Working
RAILO-1162 - orm - Could not execute JDBC batch update
RAILO-1229 - CFScript ACF incompatibility with switch statements
RAILO-1230 - Entity Error in 3.3 with HTMLEditFormat + XmlParse
RAILO-1231 - GetMetaData name case problem
RAILO-1232 - Author details on Atom Feed
RAILO-1236 - Purging of session/client data with external cache causes very large amount
RAILO-1239 - Scheduled tasks list ordering (admin)
RAILO-1242 - Server Context runs Scheduled Tasks
RAILO-1243 - use java Map as attributeCollection/argumentCollection
RAILO-1245 - accessing local scope via caller scope
RAILO-1246 - cflocation causes onRequestEnd to not execute Options
RAILO-1248 - cfdump colors
RAILO-1223 - CFZIP unzip entryPath only works on files not folders
RAILO-1224 - Error listing tasks in Webadmin - variable [STARTROW] doesn't exist
RAILO-1226 - Error when sending binary data with <cfhttp></cfhttp>
RAILO-1227 - cftrace object trace
RAILO-1228 - Assigning a method to the variables scope that has been passed in as an argu
RAILO-989 - orm - Error using mixed type inheritance
RAILO-1138 - CFAPPLICATION support for ORM
RAILO-1177 - cachePut fails with cacheName
RAILO-1190 - Version 3.2 renders pdf cfdocuments differently from 3.1 (no scaling)
RAILO-1201 - update-custom not very flexible
RAILO-1204 - Query Cache appears to be flushed every 60 seconds
RAILO-1205 - ++ increment operator returns different value than ACF
RAILO-1211 - multiple cfadmin-updateJar with zip resource fails
RAILO-1212 - orm: EntityLoad with empty filtercriteria and particular sortorder results i
RAILO-1216 - Admin Exception when configuring cache
RAILO-952 - CFPROPERTY: Add support for validate / validateparams attributes
RAILO-1200 - add support for range check for strings to isValid
RAILO-1213 - use session/client storage in a cluster enviroment
RAILO-1189 - URLEncodedFormat Converts Spaces Differently Than ACF
RAILO-1192 - restarting Railo while Railo is still is restarting can break Railo
RAILO-1188 - cfmap addEvent function is not supported
RAILO-1175 - function trace does not display inline
RAILO-1182 - invalid password throws a exception
RAILO-1183 - trace refers to data about it's own arguments scope when var parameter is as
RAILO-1184 - Mail Session Pool throws NPE
RAILO-907 - ENHANCEMENT: Update ParseDatetime() to handle HTTP time strings
RAILO-1173 - Function to reindex the custom tag and custom function library
RAILO-1176 - make attribute cfmail-to optional
RAILO-1181 - add support for z to lsTimeFormat pattern
RAILO-1186 - function SystemCacheClear
RAILO-1174 - add support for ImageGetEXIF functions
RAILO-1133 - zip resource problems - uuid directories & broken relative path
RAILO-1139 - CFHTTP adds an equals sign for query parameters without value
RAILO-1158 - restrict file access breaks server admin
RAILO-1169 - Component Inheritance Has Multiple Variables Scope
RAILO-1151 - generateSecretKey() won't accept second argument
RAILO-1153 - xmlParent not supported
RAILO-1160 - Unable to create new datasource
RAILO-1164 - J2EE Session not working properly
RAILO-1163 - add support for property/attributes sessiontype to appliation.cfc/cfapplicat
RAILO-1124 - Missing comma in argument collection causes null pointer exception
RAILO-1125 - Error using isolation in cfscript transaction
RAILO-1144 - SendGatewayMessage is not supported
RAILO-1122 - getTickCount('nano')
RAILO-1135 - add support for placeholder {web-context-label}
RAILO-1140 - Datasource validation checkbox
RAILO-1156 - add function ImageFilter
RAILO-1157 - Support storage for the session scope
RAILO-938 - The current implementation always creates a folder named WEB-INF/flex inside
RAILO-1087 - make argument count for function mid optional
RAILO-1094 - Support named arguments in built-in functions
RAILO-1114 - allow localmode to be sett in application.cfc/cfapplication tag
RAILO-1115 - add possibility to assign admin plugins to every Menu group
RAILO-1075 - add support for function PrecisionEvaluate
RAILO-1121 - add support for upload functions and tag
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