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Installing Scissorhands.NET on Mac OS X

Justin Yoo edited this page Jan 15, 2016 · 7 revisions

Install .NET Version Manager (DNVM) and .NET Execution Environment (DNX)

To install DNVM, Run the following curl command:

curl -sSL | DNX_BRANCH=dev sh && source ~/.dnx/dnvm/

Use DNVM to install DNX for .NET Core:

dnvm upgrade -r coreclr

Or, Use DNVM to install DNX for Mono:

dnvm upgrade -r mono

In this case, DNVM doesn't install Mono automatically. You may need to install Mono for OS X. Alternatively, you can install Mono via Homebrew.

Please see Install ASP.NET 5 from the command-line for more detail.

Clone Scissorhands.NET and restore

Download the app via git clone:

git clone scissorhands

Move into the src directory, and then install the dependencies with dnu restore. ASP.NET 5 is still in progress; that means you may require additional feeds for certain dependencies. CLI supports fallback source with -f flag.

cd scissorhands/src
dnu restore -f

We are ready to go! Let's run the app.

Go to the Scissorhands.NET directory

cd Scissorhands.NET
dnx web

Navigate to localhost:5000. To stop the web server, press Ctrl + C.