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Markdown Post Format

Justin Yoo edited this page Jul 12, 2016 · 2 revisions

In order to publish your posts written in markdown to HTML ones, the following format MUST be strictly complied; otherwise, your posts won't be parsed properly.


Each markdown post contains three parts – Header, Section Divider and Body. Header contains metadata of the post and Body is the actual content. With Section Divider, the Header is distinguished from the Body.


The Header section contains information in JSON format.

  "title": "Title of the post",
  "author": "Author of the post",
  "datePublished": "Date when the post is published",
  "dateUpdated": "Date when the post is updated",
  "tags": [ "list", "of", "tags" ]

NOTE: Both datePublished and dateUpdated will be automatically updated by Scissorhands.NET.

Section Divider

Horizontal ruler is used as a section divider. In markdown, the horizontal ruler can be represented by one of the following:

--- (hyphens)
*** (asterisks)
___ (underscores)


The Body section is the actual content of the post written in markdown.