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guillermo edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 3 revisions
  1. Don’t use sudo. If you need super user privileges to deploy an app, you are doing something wrong.
  2. The deploy system will have the following directories:
    /current             # Symlink to /releases/current_release
    /releases/           # All the releases of the app
    /shared              # Data shared between releases. 
    /shared/repo         # A bare repo clone of your remote repo
    /shared/scaffold     # Files shared between releases
    /shared/scaffold/tmp # tmp dir shared
    /shared/scaffold/log # log dir shared
    /shared/tmp          # Symlink to /shared/scaffold/tmp
    /shared/log          # Symlink to /shared/scaffold/log 
  3. See Shared dir to know more about shared directory.
  4. Use ssh keys to access the server from your machine. Ensure you can access the host just by typing:
    ssh host
  5. Use ssh keys to access the repo from your server. In your server you must can clone your repo just by typing
    git clone ssh://
  6. Configure your .ssh/config to access your server easily.
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