This project is a game skeleton for game jams. It's meant to be simple and hackable and provides many usual classes that are found in games. It's not a game engine. It is based on SFML2 and Boost.
is written in C++11 so you need a C++11 compiler like Clang or GCC.
also needs external libraries:
You can download the sources directly from github:
git clone
Then you have to use CMake to build the project:
cd gameskel
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Finally, you can install the files (you may need root permissions):
make install
The best way to use this skel is to copy the game directory in your tree. Or to copy the whole skeleton.
- Julien Bernard, julien dot bernard at univ dash fcomte dot fr
This library is open source and is distributed under the MIT license.